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Photoshop Brushes - 3D Water Text Effect with Repoussé in Photoshop CS5. Last year I wrote a tutorial called Incredibly Realistic Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop where I created a text made out of water.

3D Water Text Effect with Repoussé in Photoshop CS5

I had to use Cinema 4D to create a 3D object then I imported this 3D file in Photoshop where I mixed with some stock photos. Now with Photoshop CS5 Extended and the Repoussé tool we can create 3D objects direct in Photoshop, so I decided to recreate that effect. So, in this tutorial I will show you how to create a water text. With the introduction of actionscript 3, one of the classes that came with a lot of new features is the Textfield class. To be more specific, we now have access to more information about the textfields content such as character, paragraphs and line metrics. The goal in this blog post is to show you how you can break any textfield you have created in either the Flash IDE or with actionscript, and animate each character seperately. I know you can achieve the same effect using flashEff for example but if you need something very lightweight and want to experiment with ‘flying characters’ yourself (for free), this is the way to go.

First let’s take a look at the method that make this all possible: