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» GammaSeoTools un outil SEO gratuit de suivi. Recherche de mots-clés : tutorial complet pas à pas. Sep 13, 2012 Dans ce tutorial destiné aux rédacteurs web, mais qui peut aussi bien s'adapter à un simple client, nous allons effectuer une recherche de mots-clés pour un client imaginaire, dont l'activité serait précisément le "référencement naturel".

Recherche de mots-clés : tutorial complet pas à pas

How to Optimize Your Mobile Website. These days, offering consumers a mobile version of your website isn’t just a nice perk—it’s an absolute “must do” in a world of ever-increasing smartphone usage and market penetration.

How to Optimize Your Mobile Website

If you haven’t yet taken the time to build a mobile website version or if you’ve circumvented the process by installing a bland mobile template on top of your existing site, now is the time to undertake this process using the tips below. In addition, even if you already make use of a responsive mobile design, then you’ll still want to review this information, as mobile SEO best practices are constantly changing. The Evolution Beyond Technical SEO, Code & 'Software Gurus'Search Engine Land. Before you set out on a road trip or holiday, you check the weather forecast to see how things are going to be.

The Evolution Beyond Technical SEO, Code & 'Software Gurus'Search Engine Land

An SEO forecast is equally important while you plan your marketing strategy, because things evolve quickly in this area thanks to Google’s frequent algorithm changes. This article will probe and provoke – with the intention of saving you time and adding value, as it delivers an important message – that even if you’re great at SEO, coding, communication or any other area, that by itself isn’t enough to help your business (or clients) survive and thrive over the long term. Not The Icing, But The Cake! Effective SEO and PR firms know that successful SEO tactics (like planting a good article on authority sites) are not the icing on a cake that’s added right at the end of an SEO campaign. They are aware that it’s an important essential ingredient that needs to be mixed in with others right from the beginning, before you even put the cake into the oven to bake!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. An SEO’s Ultimate Post-Penguin Checklist [INFOGRAPHIC] What backlinks are safe to have after Google’s Penguin update?

An SEO’s Ultimate Post-Penguin Checklist [INFOGRAPHIC]

This question is being asked today by many. And, as Google’s link warnings wouldn’t stop, some people decide to demolish backlinks to their site or even dispose of the “bad” site altogether. However, radical action only means that one doesn’t have the expertise to do a Penguin-savvy inventory of their site and to dismantle only those links which stand in violation with the new standards. In most cases, this is a better option than starting from scratch. From the infographic below, you will learn: Google Search Quality Raters Instructions Gain New "Page Quality" GuidelinesSearch Engine Land.

In the wake of Google’s Panda algorithm update, its cadre of human search quality raters has a new task: giving Google specific quality ratings for individual landing pages.

Google Search Quality Raters Instructions Gain New "Page Quality" GuidelinesSearch Engine Land

The new “Page Quality Rating Guidelines” section adds a whopping 32 pages to the handbook that Google provides to those human raters (via contractors like Lionbridge and Leapforce). An existing section on “URL Rating Tasks with User Locations” has been expanded from 12 to 16 pages, so that what was a 125-page document in early 2011 is now 161 pages long. Version 3.27 of Google’s guidelines for search quality raters — dated June 22, 2012 — was recently leaked online.

It’s actually one part of a larger leak that seems to have happened via private forums, and includes not only the rater guidelines, but also additional information and screenshots from some of the ratings tasks that the group performs. Google Analytics obtient une nouvelle fonctionnalité « Raccourcis » Google a annoncé le lancement de « raccourcis » au sein de son service très clairement indispensable pour tous les développeurs et administrateurs Web, Google Analytics.

Google Analytics obtient une nouvelle fonctionnalité « Raccourcis »

Ceux-ci, comme Google l’explique, sont conçus pour obtenir une vue exacte de ce que vous voulez de vos données, et ce dans un « temps record ». Google souhaite souvent accélérer les choses, et cela semble être le tour de GA désormais. Plutôt que d’avoir à passer par la fonction pour trouver un rapport, ajouter un segment, le modifier, etc …, vous allez dorénavant pouvoir ajouter des raccourcis et les enregistrer et y revenir en un seul clic, indique Andrew Seguin sur le blog de Google Analytics. Are you ready for Google Penguin 2.0.? At the recent SES San Francisco (August 13-17, 2012), Matt Cutts answered some questions about Google’s Penguin.

Are you ready for Google Penguin 2.0.?

It seems that webmasters are eagerly waiting for the Penguin 2.0. rollout, but Matt Cutts think webmasters should prepare themselves, as he said: Logiciel de référencement, Analyse du référencement. Logiciel référencement Google : suivi positions & analyses - The 5 Top Google Analytics Reports for Social Media Marketers. The 3 Most Important Online Marketing Metrics to Monitor. While some people get too wrapped up in monitoring web analytics data such as toolbar PageRank, top 30 rankings and number of daily visitors, there are some crucial metrics to follow and act on in order to improve your website and your search engine rankings.

The 3 Most Important Online Marketing Metrics to Monitor

To get a real sense for how your website is performing, spend your time monitoring things that illustrate successes and failure, such as conversion rates, how many backlinks you've collected and how engaged you visitors are. Here's a look at the three online marketing metrics you'll want to pay close attention to: 1. Conversion rate and goal completion If you're investing time and money in building a site and expanding your web presence, be sure you're getting something of value in return. In general, your best tool will be the free Google Analytics, which can track everything from website sales to whitepaper downloads. 2011 Search Engine Ranking Factors. What Google's Panda and Penguin Updates Mean for the Future of SEO. Every time Google rolls out a new algorithm update, article after article is posted online about how the latest changes represent "the end of SEO as we know it.

What Google's Panda and Penguin Updates Mean for the Future of SEO

" Here's a better newsflash: No matter how many of these articles are written or how many adjustments Google makes, search engine optimization is still alive and well -- and will continue to be. Panda & Penguin Friendly SEO: A Business Guide to Recovering From Google’s Algorithm Updates. Many legitimate business websites and blogs have been hit hard (disappeared from search results) by Google’s Panda & Penguin algorithm updates because the SEO companies they hired used spammy SEO techniques or SEO over-optimization.

Panda & Penguin Friendly SEO: A Business Guide to Recovering From Google’s Algorithm Updates

Organic search traffic from Google and other major search engines constitutes around 50% of all Internet traffic. Losing valuable visitors and customers as a result of a penalty arising from webspam SEO techniques can be devastating for any startup, business, blogger or Internet entreprenuer. This article discusses the steps needed to recover from Google SEO penalties and start re-appearing in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). The good news is that it can be done. The bad news is that it takes time, effort, and if you’ve learned your lesson and are going to hire a decent SEO partner, money too. 1.

How will Google’s Panda update affect your SEO? Le SEO, c'est comme une recette de gâteau ! SEO : Comment obtenir de bons backlinks. Les 10 commandements du Link building. La pondération des liens entrants - ou backlinks - (Questions/réponses avec Google #3) Abondance : référencement, SEO et moteurs de recherche - toute l'info et l'actualité quotidienne. Les résultats de recherche naturelle ne représentent que 18,5% de la SERP Google. Les 3 chiffres dans les URL sont-ils obligatoires pour être indexé dans Google Actualités ? - (Questions/réponses avec Google #12) Référencement par Abondance - 20 conseils essentiels pour améliorer son référencement.

Référencement : 14. Critères off page : Des backlinks de qualité - Référencement par Abondance. Nous avons vu, dans les critères précédents, que les moteurs de recherche analysaient le contenu (le code HTML) de vos pages pour se faire une idée de leur pertinence. Il en a historiquement toujours été ainsi. Mais d'autres critères sont arrivés, notamment à l'initiative de Google. En effet, les moteurs actuels prennent également en compte des critères "au sujet de la page", que l'on appelle "critères off page". Par exemple, pour le référencement, rien ne remplace les liens de qualité vers vos pages.

Ces liens, qu'on appelle "backlinks", améliorent la "popularité" (que Google appelle "PageRank") de vos pages, critère essentiel pour les moteurs actuels. Search Engine Land: News On Search Engines, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Search Engine Marketing (SEM) SEO Software. Simplified. Mesurer l’efficacité et le ROI de son référencement naturel. Voici un retour d’expérience sur les pratiques pour mesurer l’efficacité de son référencement naturel. Que le référencement soit fait en interne ou externalisé via une agence de référencement, il est important de suivre un certain nombre d’indicateurs, les simples positions ne suffisent pas… Avant de mettre en place un , deux éléments importants sont à mettre en place : performant (Xiti, Google Analytic…). Logiquement vous devriez avoir déjà ce genre d’outil installé.

▷▷  Outils Off-page - Paradi’ SEO. Tendances des recherches - Recherche sur le Web : intérêt pour referencement, référencement - France, Les 12 derniers mois. Match Density. On-Page Keyword Optimization. The Complete Guide to Link Building with Local Events. Whether you’re a small local business or an international company, hosting local events is a great way to build your brand, both offline and online. So it shouldn’t be a surprise to us internet marketers that there are plenty of non-internet-savvy organizations that are hosting workshops, speaking at events, and getting their brand out there using offline methods to promote their events. If that sounds like your business or one of your clients, there’s a good chance you’re missing out on a number of link opportunities every time you host an event.

Why You Should Be Building Links By Hosting Events: Here are the primary reasons that this is such a great strategy: Lots of Easily Obtainable Links: These are easy links that fit Danny's Sullivan's recent description of hard links. The takeaway? I need to point out one other thing before we really dive in: This guide is really meant to make sure you're getting the most online marketing value from your events. How to Create a Content Calendar to Correlate SEO Results. 5 Reasons SEM Agencies Should Do Social and SEO. Kevin Lee | December 21, 2012 | 7 Comments inShare77 The evolution of social media advertising and earned social media has several factors that make the expertise of the SEM and SEO agency and team relevant to social media. I'll admit it; I was wrong when I thought that social media was a stretch for SEM and SEO agencies and that a separate set of agencies would be required to fully tap the social media marketing opportunity for advertisers and marketers.

And I was wrong when I assumed that marketers for whom PPC search was critically important would turn to boutique specialist agencies that excelled in PPC search either exclusively or primarily, not one-stop shops. What was my response after a reevaluation of the landscape that suggested a significant strategy change? Much of my earlier decision process supporting the boutique model was based on the behavior of IT departments at enterprise clients and the way mid-size marketers decided who should "own" the website (generally IT).