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Netting Instructions. Attaching new string: If your project is square or rectangle, it is best to attach new string at the end of a row.

Netting Instructions

If your project is round you can attach a new string anywhere. There are a variety of ways to attach a new string. 1. Make a loose slip knot on the end of the new string. 2. 3. More than Fish and Hammocks. Round netting for string bags, hair nets, dip nets, etc.

More than Fish and Hammocks

Make a slipknot with a long loop. Be sure the shuttle end of your string goes to the tied part of the knot and the loose end of the string goes to the slip part of the knot. be sure to leave a tail that is at least twice the radius (distance from the center to the edge of your finished piece) in length. The loop of the slip knot will be your foundation. Net your first row around the loop of the slip knot. I prefer to start with an odd number of loops (and at least 7) since finishing the row will add one more loop, and even numbers are easiest to expand from. Bring the loose end of the slip knot down through the loop of the slip knot at the far end of your stitches.

Gently pull the loose end and tighten the loop Keep tightening and pulling until the slipknot has tightened all the way and your starting loops are gathered in the center. More than Fish and Hammocks. To begin your square mesh netting: Row 1: Net 2 loops onto your foundation.

More than Fish and Hammocks

Rows 2+: Net one regular knot in the first loop. Increase with a double-stitch in the last loop. continue adding rows, increasing at the end of EVERY row, until the piece is as wide as you want it to be. When the piece has reached the desired width, net one row across with no increases or decreases. To finish your netting with a square shape On the next row, net across the piece until the last 2 loops. Net these together in a decrease stitch. On the following row, again, decrease at the end of the row. Decrease at the end of each following row until you are down to just 2 loops.

More than Fish and Hammocks. Increasing and Decreasing. More than Fish and Hammocks. Les ramendeuses cherchent à transmettre leur savoir-faire. Chaque mardi, l'association Uhaina organise des cours de ramendage, ce travail qui consiste à remettre en état les filets de pêche ayant subi des avaries.

Les ramendeuses cherchent à transmettre leur savoir-faire

Sur les 60 personnes qui intègrent l'association Uhaina, seulement deux maîtrisent l'art du ramendage, ce travail qui consiste à remettre en état les filets de pêche ayant subi des avaries. Elles cherchent à transmettre leur savoir-faire en organisant des cours. Au cours des opérations de pêche, les filets peuvent subir différents types de déchirures. La réparation des filets, appelée ramendage, est principalement effectuée par les matelots à bord ou à terre. Le ramendage nécessite un véritable savoir-faire enseigné dans les lycées professionnels maritimes et complété par l'expérience professionnelle. Âgée de 76 ans, Rosette Nérou pratique le ramendage depuis qu'elle a 14 ans. PRÉSENTATION DE L'ASSOCIATION - IJIN HA SPERED AR VRO. La filetière : personne faisant du filet.


CREATION : novembre 2006 C’est à partir d’une exposition en mairie qu’un intérêt pour l’activité filet s’est manifesté auprès des personnes du secteur. De 25 adhérentes en 2006, le nombre est passé rapidement à 40 et a atteint 48 en 2O13. L'effectif reste stable, entre 40 et 50 avec un renouvellement de 10 personnes tous les ans. Les adhérents représentent différentes régions de Bretagne. Le filet brodé de La Perrière - Le Pays bellêmois : économie, tourisme, vie quotidienne. Silkewerk. How to Make a 13th - 14th CenturySilk Hairnet Cat. 105, St.


Truiden Features of extant hairnets from the 13th and 14th century: They were made in the round, with the meshes worked in a spiral. They have longer loops at the crown, joined with a knot at the top of each mesh. International Guild of Knot Tyers - Surrey Branch - IGKT Knot Charts. Netting - Chapter XII - Encyclopedia of Needlework, Netting instructions, tools, materials, netting stitches, netting patterns. By Thérèse de Dillmont Insertion in embroidered netting.

Netting - Chapter XII - Encyclopedia of Needlework, Netting instructions, tools, materials, netting stitches, netting patterns

—Ornament with various stitches. Instituto do Bordado Filé de Alagoas. Explicando Conceitos Existe, por vezes, alguma confusão na distinção entre o que é realmente um bordado e uma renda; e é importante esclarecer o significado dos termos “bordado” e “renda”.

Instituto do Bordado Filé de Alagoas

Realizzazione rete classica. Centro Classico in filet in tondo – Fase iniziale. Realizzazione rete classica. Rete filet con maglie irregolari 1^ parte. Tutorial Centro rete filet classico Modano. BIG artes - Blog: O SEGREDO DA RENDA TURCA - Ponto a Ponto. Renda Turca. Via Nostra - Scriptorium - Netzen oder Filetknüpfen. An einem schönen Abend im Februar 2012, Anlass war der "2.

Via Nostra - Scriptorium - Netzen oder Filetknüpfen

Linzer Bürgerschmaus" der Burgaere Lintze, habe ich mein neues Haarnetz erstmals ausführen können und erntete viele Komplimente und eine Menge Fragen. Um diese beantworten zu können, schreibe ich hier mal ein paar Zeilen über das Netzen, auch als Filetarbeit oder Filetknüpfen bekannt. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine alte Handarbeitstechnik, die auf das Netzknüpfen der Fischer zurückgeht.

Verwendet wird zwar nicht derselbe Knoten, aber doch ein sehr ähnlicher. Embroidery and Fancy Work/Netting. Like many other kinds of fancy work, netting is just now coming into fashion.

Embroidery and Fancy Work/Netting

Our grandmothers netted, as our mothers tatted, industriously, netting boxes and stirrups being as familiar a sight then as the tatting shuttle was some fifteen years ago, and as the crewel and silk cases are now. It is a work that can be applied to a great variety of purposes, from curtains down to fichus or breakfast caps. Guipure d'art which is worked on netted squares has always been in favor, but its seeming difficulty has deterred many from attempting to make it. The following directions for plain and fancy netting and for making Guipure stitches are made as plain as possible, and will be found easy to follow when the manner of forming the netting stitch has been once mastered.

This can be learned from the directions, but is much more easily learned in a lesson from one who understands netting. DOSSIERS COIFFES - IJIN HA SPERED AR VRO. Pour permettre la reproduction à l’identique de différents modèles de coiffes « Ijin ha Spered ar Vro » édite des dossiers. Les dossiers techniques de l’association sont l’aboutissement du travail des membres de l’association, tous bénévoles : travail de collectage d’ouvrages réalisés en filet brodé, et notamment de coiffes, collectage de photos anciennes, de témoignages sur les modes et coutumes, mais aussi sur les techniques de réalisation, de repassage.

La méthode, quelle que soit la coiffe, reste la même : d’abord une phase de collectage, puis le choix d’une des coiffes collectées et son étude avec prise de mesures, enfin, si possible, la réalisation à l’identique de la dite coiffe par un des membres de l’association. C’est ce cheminement qui a été choisi pour la réalisation de ces dossiers techniques. Y ont été ajoutés quelques éléments historiques repris dans des ouvrages qui font référence en la matière. Knots Indeed: Beautiful and Practical Netting. Bolsena Ricama. Scuolaretefilet. Sicilia: Storia del Ricamo in Sicilia. The Lace Guild - Filet and Netting. The earliest lace-like fabric was the knotted net made in a similar way to fishing nets; this was known as filet in French and lacis in Italian. The net was usually decorated with embroidery and its use in household decoration probably began in the late 15th century.

The embroidery, often pictorial with legends from antiquity being favoured subjects, was worked by darning into the square meshes. It was used for both small costume items and large household linens such as coverlets and tablecloths. TUTORIAL - Filet in Tondo di Enza Termine. PROGRETTI FREE - Filet in Tondo di Enza Termine. AnneLiese's Fibers and Stuff - Netting - Knot. The instructions below are for one method of many possible methods for making a netting knot. It is complicated and requires at least two thumbs, three pinkies and seven other fingers per hand (just kidding!!). Seriously, it is tricky to pick up, but worth it for lacemakers because it is the best method for creating fine nets. Once the netter has mastered this knot, she uses only three moves (wrapping the thread, putting the shuttle through, and pulling the knot tight) which flow together.

Traditional methods for larger nets may involve up to five moves (set up, pass the shuttle, set up, pass the shuttle, pull tight) but can be done with thick rough rope without abrading the hands. Net Centers. AnneLiese's Fibers and Stuff - Netting - Shaping. Once you learn how to make a basic knot for netting, making your net the shape you want it becomes the next big challenge. It is especially confusing since in most cases you will be making the net as a series of diamonds, but want the end result to be viewed as squares. To gradually get used to the concept, we will first work on shapes that stay diamonds (like tubular netting) and then learn how to form flat shapes.

AnneLiese's Fibers and Stuff - Netting - Flat Piece. Der einfache Netzgrund, der mit breiten Straßen durchkreuzt ist, wird über einen 7 mm breiten Stab filiert. Material: 100 fliederfarbene Fichuwolle. In eine große Hilfsschlinge knüpft man 228 Knoten und arbeitet dann hin und hergehend 2 Reihen glatt.3. Reihe: wechselnd 1 umhüllte Masche, d.h. man schlingt den Faden einmal um den Stab und knüpft den Knoten, sodann 5 Maschen glatt.4. Der duftige Schal wird in Längsreihen immer hin- und hergehend über drei verschieden starke Stäbe (5, 10 und 20 mm breit) filiert.

In den einfachen Netzgrund sind als reizende Abwechslung Schlingengruppen eingearbeitet. La rete in rete - la rete in rete. Filling Netting Needles & Shuttles. Equipment Used in Netting. Tying Knots: Slip,Square,Overhand. Where Netting Comes to Life. Fabriquer un filet - vidéo Dailymotion. Le filet est une technique à part entière, différentes du crochet ou du tricot. ButterickTattingNetting. Dmc_net_2. Dmc_net_1.

Knots Indeed: Beautiful and Practical Netting. Knots Indeed: Beautiful and Practical Netting. Knots Indeed: Beautiful and Practical Netting. Knots Indeed: Beautiful and Practical Netting. Knots Indeed: Beautiful and Practical Netting. DOSSIERS COIFFES - IJIN HA SPERED AR VRO. IJIN HA SPERED AR VRO - Sauvegarde et transmission de la méthode de fabrication du FILET BRODÉ ET NOUÉ, bases de la réalisation de très nombreux ouvrages témoins de la richesse du patrimoine. La technique du filet - Reconstitutions. La perrière, La fabrication de dentelle a fait la réputation des villes d’Alençon et d’Argentan.