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Untitled. Home | Trollim. The Five Stages Of Early Adopter Behavior. Early adopters serve an important role in the world of Web services and technology gadgetry. helping to act in a multi-pronged position that can blur the line between journalist, customer and partner. The best early adopters not only help spread the word about a new product, but they can help argue its features, they are eager to offer feedback to its developers, and at times can be indistinguishable from the service's PR or Marketing team. But with time, if not coddled, this crowd can often turn against the very service they helped champion, as they move on to the next new thing, sometimes taking an army of followers with them.

This relationship between service and early adopter is a healthy one, assuming the Web service has, in the interim, grown to the point they no longer need the initial proponent's efforts, having expanded to a more mainstream audience, or achieved sustainable organic growth. But if this doesn't happen, it's a very short trip from promotion to abandonment indeed.

Mapping your Thoughts

Fonts and stuff. Design Thoughts. Principles Of Minimalist Web Design, With Examples - Smashing Ma. Advertisement Minimalism is achieved by reducing a design to only the most essential elements. Expressions of minimalism span multiple disciplines, as well as other art forms such as music and literature. For website designers, though, minimalism can be intimidating and difficult to master. But anyone can master minimalism. You might also enjoy our previous article “Showcase of Clean and Minimalist Designs1.” Less Is More “Less is more” is probably the most well-known catch phrase of the minimalist movement. In Web design, less is more is achieved by using only elements that are necessary to a given design. Examples North Kingdom2 Simple, straightforward typography and a bare use of color make for a design that’s aesthetically pleasing but minimal. Sleepover3 A simple design that puts content above all other elements.

Lindvall A&D4 The simple line-drawing of a chair, barely visible if you’re not looking for it, exemplifies the “less is more” ideology. Omit Needless Things Every Detail Counts. Revolution And Future In Blogging World - Art Direction Trend | People have been talking for a long time about numerous list posts repeating each other, but the same is about blog designs. Even if blog design is unique it still has same consistent sidebar, CSS image, text styling and standard navigation repeating each time when new article is published.

I usually compare blogging with journalism, because it’s the same thing..and if so – does all magazine articles has the same styling, content structure and even advertisements? Absolutely – not! With a little consistency, but mostly magazines put some serious time and thinking to create an appropriate design for each topic and article. Why don’t we do it? At first, we started to use CMS like WordPress, Blogger, Drupal because it was an easy and dynamic way how to update content without any pain – everybody can start his blog now without any special skills. And here comes new design trend “Art-Directed” which answers to my question – How to stay original and creative? What means “Art-Direction”? 1. 2. 3. Scroll Magazine | Keeping your place by Cameron Adams. Written byCameron Adams. About Cameron Adams Skip to the article Cameron Adams, interface designer at Google Wave, melds a background in Computer Science with over nine years experience in graphic design to create a unique approach to interface design.

Using the latest technologies, he likes to play in the intersection between design and code to produce innovative but usable sites and applications. What happened to your passion for the web? It can be hard to stay excited when you get bogged down in the minutiae of RFPs and invoicing clients. It's time to get your mojo back. …it was held that in a uni­lat­eral con­tract i.e. one where the act of accep­tance is also con­sid­er­a­tion of the promise offered; that there is no gen­eral propo­si­tion that once the offeree com­mences per­for­mance of the act of accep­tance, the offeror is not at lib­erty to revoke the offer.

When I fell asleep lis­ten­ing to this lec­ture I con­vinced myself I wasn’t cut out for law. Breathe. 20 Stunning Examples of Web Designs build around a Photo. The right image in the right spot can say more than thousands words, don’t you agree? Using a photo as a key element of web design can give your website an added visual element, as well as depth and space. It is certainly not every photo that will work, but generally if you find one that support the message you are trying to communicate the result can be really great. Using photos as a dominating part of the web design itself is typically seen in photography website templates and many are build on WordPress these days.

While large photos can be great for setting the scene and generating the right atmosphere it can be a problem to load times. Designers need to take care that the details in the images are not making it too heavy when it comes to download size. Advertisement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. elettro.luce 11. 12. fix outlook 13. bressane 15. 16. 17. chopin2010 18. 19. 1md 20. hdqt Please leave a comment if you know some great web sites where photos are dominating the design. CLIENTSHOW. 2010: The year of the products + a new way of working - (37signa. 2010: The year of the products 2009 was definitely the year of infrastructure at 37signals.

We put in a lot of work behind the scenes to improve our hardware, software, and security setup. We also launched our biggest infrastructure project to date: 37signals ID. Infrastructure improvements are never over — we’ve got at least one big one brewing right now — but 2009 saw big progress on that front. 2010 is going to be the year of our products. With some of the big infrastructure projects behind us, we can focus more of our energy on improving our products.

A new way of working At the heart of the product renaissance is a new way of working. We also had a tendency to pull people in different directions. In 2010 we’re going to change that. Teams We’re going to start working in teams. A team is made of three people: One designer and two programmers. To start, we will have two dedicated teams plus one slack team. Time Each team will stay together for two months (a “term”). Projects An experiment. Over 2000 participants from 46 countries in Paris for the #1 Eur.

Design ideas

Responsive Web Design. The English architect Christopher Wren once quipped that his chosen field “aims for Eternity,” and there’s something appealing about that formula: Unlike the web, which often feels like aiming for next week, architecture is a discipline very much defined by its permanence. Article Continues Below A building’s foundation defines its footprint, which defines its frame, which shapes the facade. Each phase of the architectural process is more immutable, more unchanging than the last. Creative decisions quite literally shape a physical space, defining the way in which people move through its confines for decades or even centuries. Working on the web, however, is a wholly different matter. Our work is defined by its transience, often refined or replaced within a year or two. But the landscape is shifting, perhaps more quickly than we might like. In recent years, I’ve been meeting with more companies that request “an iPhone website” as part of their project.

A flexible foundation#section1 . Negative Space in Webpage Layouts: A Guide. Negative space is often misunderstood as a tool to implement in certain designs that call for a simple aesthetic. However, it is in fact something you should pay attention to and carefully structure in every design you create. This guide discusses what negative space is and how to effectively use it to analyze and improve your designs. What is Negative Space? Negative space, also known as whitespace, can be loosely defined as the area of a page not occupied by content. More appropriately, it is the space between specific items on the page.

Negative space does not have to be white, or even solid in color. In the example below, you’ll see that it contains complex graphical content, yet it still employs negative space between the headline and the search bar. Negative Space is Not Minimalism Contrary to popular misconceptions, proper use of negative space has nothing to do with minimalism. Why Does Negative Space in Web Layouts Matter? Learning to See Negative Space Negative Space in Logo Designs. Resurrecting User Interface Prototypes (Without Creating Zombies. Advertisement Every user interface designer is familiar with this procedure to some extent: creating a prototype and evaluating it with potential users to understand how the user interface should look and behave. Users will tell you what nags them and should therefore be improved before you code.

So, at the beginning of any UI design process, you can expect your prototype to have to be modified in order to work. Because you (and your client) want the changes to be as cost-efficient as possible, you are better off adopting change-friendly prototyping methods and tools. This is especially true in the early stages of the project, when your ideas for potential solutions are rather vague.

Finally, when the prototype has reached a certain level of expressiveness, it could even serve as a “living specification” for developers, to tell them how the front end should look and feel. A New Challenge Think of what is nowadays commonly called “natural” user interface (NUI). Defining Behaviors. Web Designs that Use Textures Beautifully. Using textures in a web design gives it a unique look that roughens the sharpness and crispness that you can find in most other site designs.

When used properly, the results of utilizing textures in a web layout can be stunning. This collection follows up on a collection posted last year called "30 Beautifully Textured Web Designs" (which you should check out if you haven’t already) with even more web designs that use textures masterfully. Dan Conaway Vegas Uncork’d Aussie BBQ Legends Team Fannypack Ministério de Artes Freedom Mother Earth Brewing Steve Mullen Creative Tyler Gaw Campus Vida Mom & Popcorn Occasions By Elizabeth Coopers Kids nykevanwyk Kiwi Sibling Rivalry Revive Africa The Crazy Love Campaign Matt Salik Paloma Films Zach Hendricks Merge Tori’s Eye The Blizzards Design Embraced Skiptracers Movie Story Pixel Last Letter Mutt Ink Related Content About the Author Jacob Gube is the Founder and Chief Editor of Six Revisions.

UI Guidelines for mobile and tablet web app design | Mobile Web Programming. Official user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) guidelines from the manufacturers, links to which you can find below, are a source of inspiration for mobile web and app design. Here, you will find guidelines, samples, tips, and descriptions of common mistakes. Many of the guidelines focus on native application development, but we can apply most parts of them to mobile web design too. Remember to provide the best possible experience on each platform. Do not deliver an iPhone experience to a BlackBerry user. Every platform has its own UI and usability guidelines that every user is expecting on your app.

More tips on mobile web design on the Programming the Mobile Web book. Do you know any other UI Guideline? Tags: android, bada, design, ipad, iphone, nokia, sony ericsson, symbian, ui, windows. 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web. 40 Awesome Examples of Website Having Big Backgrounds. Tripwire magazine 40 Awesome Examples of Website Having Big Backgrounds November 19, 2011 · 3 comments by Dustin Betonio One sure fire way to make a bold and impressive impact with your website is the use of large backgrounds. These add up an interesting appeal to the website. Advertisement 1. 2. 3. 8th Continent 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

I hope you like this post. Author : Dustin Betonio Dustin Betonio is a Translation Management graduate at University of Mindanao. Tagged as: web design image, web design picture, web design showcase { 1 comment… read it below or add one } blackdreams February 19, 2011 at 1:04 pm I like all of it ! Reply Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""><abbr title=""><acronym title=""><b><blockquote cite=""><cite><code><del datetime=""><em><i><q cite=""><strike><strong> 24inShare.