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Eunoia: by Christian Bok. PennSound. Filmed in an intimate domestic setting, traffic noises and birdsong drifting through open windows, Patton sits comfortably in a chair before the camera, reading from typescript pages, a pen poised in one hand.


She performs in a fluid sprechtstimme, easing in and out of accents and personas, casually adding various musical accompaniments from time to time: she forces the knob on a toddler's toy music box, galloping through the lullabye at a hectic gait, then backs off, plinking it forward in little tonal constellations; she reaches down, offscreen, to plunk a guitar note or stroke the strings behind the nut, producing glassy little accents; her foot settles into a restless and insistent rhythm that resonates through the room.

Papers flutter as pages turn, her hands trace and stretch notes through the air. "2 Poems" by Nick Demske @ Thieves Jargon. The damsel screaming upon the tracks.

"2 Poems" by Nick Demske @ Thieves Jargon

It’s my day off. Off what? Medication. Silliman's Blog.

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