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This Week On Twitter: Twitter Beats Facebook, 10 Million For Obama & First Twitter Homepage Design. Need a little weekend reading? We’ve compiled our top ten Twitter stories of the week, which includes a study that shows how Twitter influences consumer purchases more than Facebook, President Obama becoming the third Twitter user to reach 10 million followers on the network, a new app that will tweet when you oversleep, Twitter’s growing importance as a business and marketing tool and a look at the very first Twitter homepage. Here are our top 10 Twitter stories of the week: 1. Twitter Influences More Consumer Purchases Than Facebook According to a recent study, it looks like Twitter is more influential than Facebook when it comes to influencing purchases. 35 percent of respondents said their Twitter feed has been influential or extremely influential on their purchase decisions, while only 23.5 percent of Facebook users said the same. 2.

President Obama Becomes Third Human, First Politician To Reach 10 Million Twitter Followers 3. 5. 6. Emmy Awards Pre-Show Winners Buzz – Twitter vs The Media [INFOGRAPHIC] The Fail Trail: Understanding 3 Social Media Crises [Infographic] Anonymous Hacktivist Group Creates Program To Hijack Twitter’s Trending Topics. The Number One Resource You Need For When Twitter Goes Down. Twitter-Owned TweetDeck Kills Off, Users Can No Longer Send Messages Longer Than 140 Characters. Social Sharing And The Impending Sharepocalypse [INFOGRAPHIC] Twitter Analytics: Analyze 100 Million Active Users. With over 100 million active users worldwide, there is little doubt that Twitter is capable of driving large quantities of traffic to all types of websites.

Although Twitter provides businesses with the opportunity to share content and drive traffic, it has been difficult to measure the true amount of traffic that Twitter sends to a website. Christopher Golda, the co-founder of BackType and member of Twitter’s product team, said: “Twitter is a powerful platform for websites to share their content, and drive traffic and engagement. However, people have struggled to accurately measure the amount of traffic Twitter is sending to their websites, in part because web analytics software hasn’t evolved as quickly as online sharing and social signals.”

TweetReach Now Has Free Accounts To Help You Measure How Far Your Tweet Traveled. Interactive Infographic Shows Real-Time Conversations About Breast Cancer On Twitter. Doing Twitter Analytics Right: Meet The TwitSprout Team. The TwitSprout team loves what they do. I met them at their office in Waterloo, Ontario, working out of the back of a house owned by another startup co-founder, Michael Litt (@michaelrlitt) of VidYard, where they offered me BBQ veggie burgers and some great insight into where Twitter analytics is headed.

Over grilled-to-perfection burgers, I heard from Dan (@dHolowack), Adrian (@apetresc) and Abhi (@abh1nv) about the new features that current TwitSprout users can expect in the next few months, how competitive the Twitter app developer space is, and just how many long nights and longer days it took them to create and manage one of the smoothest Twitter analytics products on the market. All three members of the TwitSprout team are engineering graduates from the University of Waterloo. They are meticulous about their data, just like you’d expect from a group of engineers: Dan was forceful in explaining just how upset they got if they missed even an hour of data for their users’ dashboards. A Day In The Digital Life – How Twitter, Facebook And iPhones Keep Us Always Connected [INFOGRAPHIC]

Interested In Food? Here Are 5 Twitter Accounts You Should Be Following. A lot of people get into the routine of following folks on twitter that are already ensconced in our tight circles or find and follow us, so we follow them back out of mere courtesy. In this new series, I’m going to showcase people from various backgrounds and industries to help you liven up your feed and get inspired! My aim is that by following people outside of your comfort zone, you’ll start to make art, or cook at home more or take that night course for small business management! This week, it’s all about food. 1. Matt’s tweets aren’t all food related, but they’re fun and irreverent and addictive. 2. Sam Breach, a Brit living in Dogpatch, San Francisco, tweets in a rather sardonic fashion that I find comforting (“some people are just about as useful as a chocolate teapot.”). 3.

“Bake scones, or take a nap? 4. @4loveofcooking 5. Her food knowledge and skills are incredible. Twitter Influences More Consumer Purchases Than Facebook. Twitter Launches New UK Blog. HOWTO: Delete Your Twitter Profile. Twitter Soon To Launch Free “Twitter Web Analytics” For All Publishers. HOWTO: Find Your Favorite Twitter Users On Google+ Can Long Conversations Get You More Followers Than One-Off Tweets? [VIDEO] Social Media Bigger And More Influential Than Ever, Reveals Q3 Nielsen Report [INFOGRAPHIC] Who You Follow On Twitter Says A Lot About You. A while back, I did a post about celebs who revealed their haircuts on twitter and what that said about them.

I believe that things like what you carry around in your wallet as well as what kind of wallet you carry says a lot about you. So I wanted to investigate the people whom I and others follow on Twitter and see if it is an accurate representation of who we are. Here’s what I discovered: - About 80% of the tweeps I follow have something to do with food. . - If you choose to follow me and you’re legit, I will probably follow you. . - I was surprised to see that I follow a lot of beauty people.

. - Ah, the tech and social media folks. To compare, I thought I’d look into someone we probably both know of and see if we can assess what kind of person they are. @CynfulCyndi Made myself platinum,but was born a dirty blonde ♥ *Personal Assistant Extraordinaire* #BEACH #BOXING #SURFERS #SINGING #SCORPIO #INK #FITNESS #ANIMALS @hotrod4087 57 yr. old male just trying to survive in crazy screwed world… Twitter Sues Twittad Over “Tweet” Trademark. Like To Hit Snooze? This App Will Make You Think Twice.

Does Twitter Need Some PR Help? Yoko Ono Follows More People Than Anyone Else On Twitter (Including The President) This Week On Twitter: Unspiritual Tweets, 100m Active Users And The 10 Worst Twitter Buzzwords. Need a little weekend reading? We’ve compiled our top ten Twitter stories of the week, which includes a very unspiritual reaction on Twitter from a world-famous spiritualist, the ten worst Twitter buzzwords, how Twitter is the fastest-growing social network, Twitter announcing 100 million active users and a look at the effectiveness of social media marketing. Here are our top 10 Twitter stories of the week: 1.

That’s Not Very Spiritual! Deepak Chopra Tells Twitter Critic To ‘Shut Up’ Time magazine credits Deepak Chopra as “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine”. 2. The BBC takes a look at how Twitter has made an impact on the English language, spawning an entire legion of new words that play off the name of the social network – specifically the first two letters. 3. Twitter’s 32% increase in traffic in 2011 is enough to see the network leapfrog LinkedIn as the number two most-visited social network overall, behind Facebook, says TechVibes, touting data from Comscore. 4. 5. 7. 9. How Airlines Used Twitter In August [INFOGRAPHIC] #SchoolChoiceFacts Unites Educators. Don’t Expect An IPO Any Time Soon, Says Twitter CEO Dick Costolo. “New Yorkers Are So Ubnoctious”: Has One Of Your Tweets Made It To The Dumbest Tweets Tumblr? 230 Million Tweets Per Day, 50 Million Daily Users And Other Twitter Stats.

100 services à connaître pour mieux utiliser Twitter. Dans le vaste domaine des réseaux sociaux, Twitter est l’un des plus connus et reconnus avec Facebook, Linkedin… Après les pays anglophones, Twitter a envahi toute l’Europe. En 2009, seulement 29% des internautes français connaissaient Twitter selon l’IFOP contre 80% en 2010.

De là à l’utiliser il y a bien sûr un pas. Nous sommes encore loin d’un usage massif, pour le moment seules quelques dizaines de milliers de personnes sont actives sur le réseau de micro-blogging en France. Ce qui n’est pas le cas ailleurs, les chiffres qui circulent estiment entre 50 et 200 millions d’utilisateurs au niveau mondial. En marge du site lui-même, de très nombreux services ont vu le jour pour faciliter ou optimiser son utilisation. Voici une sélection de 100 outils très divers qui peuvent vous aider (ou pas) lors de votre utilisation quotidienne de votre compte Twitter. Raccourcisseur d’URL : l’utilité des raccourcisseurs d’URL n’est plus à démontrer. Clients : Organisation et optimisation. Get to know when your Twitter followers are online the most. How Does Twitter’s 100 Million Active Users Compare To Facebook And LinkedIn? [CHART] Twitter Announces 100 Million Active Users. Snoop Dogg Tweeted His Application To Become Yahoo’s CEO – Should You Tweet Your Next Employer?

Interested In Fashion? Here Are 5 Twitter Accounts You Should Be Following. A lot of people get into the routine of following folks on Twitter that are already ensconced in our tight circles or find and follow us, so we follow them back out of mere courtesy. In this new series, I’m going to showcase people from various backgrounds and industries to help you liven up your feed and get inspired!

My aim is that by following people outside of your comfort zone, you’ll start to make art, or cook at home more or take that night course for small business management! This week, it’s all about fashion. 1. @iwantigot Whether it’s Adidas Star Wars sneakers or Leopold Bags from Lanvin, you’ll be lusting after a whole new wardrobe after following Anita Clarke. 2. A lot of people focus on what’s cool, what’s hot and what’s to come in fashion, but very few focus on the missteps, poor choices and honest disasters that we go through in our lives. man·re·pell·er1 [mahn-ree-peller] –noun –verb (used without object),-pell·ing, -pell·ed. 3. 4. 1.

“Wears batman capes and oversized hats. Twitter To Open Up Promoted Tweets To UK Companies In October. Twitter: The Fastest-Growing Social Network [INFOGRAPHIC] Twitter dépasse les 300 millions d’utilisateurs, avec une moyenne de 9,2 nouveaux comptes par seconde. Twitter vient tout juste de dépasser les 300 millions d'utilisateurs. Twopcharts, spécialiste en statistiques sur Twitter, annonce un chiffre phénoménal de 9,2 nouveaux comptes créés chaque seconde ! Cela vous semble peu probable et il vous faudrait une preuve ? La voici en image avec ce graphique : Evidemment, ces chiffres sont officieux. Twopcharts, qui profite de l'occasion pour faire son buzz, a au moins la décence d'indiquer que "certains comptes on peut-être été supprimés ou désactivés". Et si on en finissait avec toutes ces rumeurs ?

C'est un peu le même phénomène qui s'est produit avec l'univers virtuel Second Life. Enfin, à titre de comparaison, Facebook recense aux dernières nouvelles 660 millions d'utilisateurs, soit près du double seulement. Et pour finir de vous refroidir, la France occupait en février dernier toujours, la 17ème place au rang des utilisateurs de Twitter classés par pays, avec 2,4 millions de comptes.

Vous aimerez lire aussi : Kris D - Google+ 100 Million People Have Their Klout Scores – Do You? How Do Celebrities Use Twitter? Interview With @cookwithjopratt. Celebrities and stars in the food world use Twitter for a lot of reasons – promoting a new venture, to praise or complain about something, to share information, to spread news about a good cause. So I thought it would be fun to hear from the stars themselves about how they use it. Jo Pratt is a food stylist, writer, presenter and home economist in the UK. She is the former food writer for ELLE magazine, and has been Food Editor for GLAMOUR magazine for 4 years.

Her books In The Mood For Food and In The Mood For Entertaining have been go-to guides since their release. With a BA honours degree in Home Economics, Jo’s experience comes from working with big name chefs such as Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver and on everything from live cooking demonstrations to TV programs such as Hell’s Kitchen. However, her biggest fan must be Gary Rhodes. When you joined: March 2009 Why you signed up:It gives me first hand access to people I admire. Number of followers: Currently 2094 Number following: 262. Twitter And Bing Awkwardly Tweet About Their 2 Year Relationship, Renew Search Agreement. "Maîtresse, quand est-ce qu'on tweete ?". La première "twittclasse" française a vu le jour en 2009 dans un lycée de La Rochelle.

Depuis, nombre d'écoles utilisent le réseau de microblogging, notamment pour l'enseignement de l'écriture et de la lecture. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Cécile Bontron Assis devant le petit bureau de la chambre de ses parents, Lucas réfléchit à la phrase qu'il veut écrire. Comme pour y puiser l'inspiration, le petit blondinet de 7 ans plante ses yeux bleus sur sa mère, restée à côté. Mais Virginie Verleye, Dunkerquoise de 33 ans, ne faiblit pas : son aîné a voulu reproduire l'exercice réalisé toute l'année en classe de CP, il doit aller jusqu'au bout.

Après un moment, Lucas s'approche de la table et balade son index sur le clavier familial. Car en 2010, le petit Dunkerquois a fait partie de la première classe française de CP utilisant Twitter pour apprendre à lire et à écrire. L'initiative reste marginale, mais elle se multiplie chez les enseignants. @Classe_Masson s'est vite rodée. Only 10.9 Percent Of Twitter Users Find Promoted Tweets Annoying. 9 Expert Tips For Social Media Marketers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Chile’s President Met With Influential Twitter Users To Discuss National Issues. Early Bird Pricing For Social Media Marketing Boot Camp Ends September 8. The top 10 things that need to die on Twitter. Here are the 10 things that need to die a quick and painless death on Twitter. With your help, we can kill them. 10. Please vote for my company X every day for the next 14 days to win Y!

Thanks! 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Did I miss any? 25% of Twitter Users Say Promoted Tweets Are Relevant [Data] Things look promising for Promoted Tweets, Twitter's advertising platform. New data from market research firm Lab42, as reported by eMarketer, shows that 24.8% of Twitter users say they have seen Promoted Tweets from brands that are relevant to them.

More than 1/5 of users said they have gotten a discount or have found out about a new brand through a Promoted Tweet, and 14% of respondents said they have retweeted a Promoted Tweet. Interestingly, only about 11% of those surveyed said following brands was a reason they joined the site, with about half saying they followed just 10 brands on Twitter. If you're sharing something relevant, people will be receptive to your marketing. This applies not only to your Promoted Tweets, but also to things like your Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and even your blog content and email campaigns. Are you considering a Promoted Tweets campaign? Let us know in the comments! Back-to-School: 5 Twitter Accounts To Help You Get Organized. How To Get Retweeted In Las Vegas [INFOGRAPHIC] Check Your Twitter Stats. This Week On Twitter: Twitter Traffic Power, Getting Twitter & Twitter Employee Salaries Revealed.

Need a little weekend reading? We’ve compiled our top ten Twitter stories of the week, which includes a report on the value of the Twitter share button, help on deciding which social network is right for you, how Twitter is changing the scope of advertising, a look at Twitter employee salaries and 3 mistakes to avoid making with Twitter’s new image galleries. Here are our top 10 Twitter stories of the week: 1. Including A Twitter Share Button On Your Website Can Drive Up To 7x More Traffic A new report from SEO firm BrightEdge reveals that having a Twitter share button, like the one on the right, on your website can help drive up to 7x more exposure via social media. 2.

Twitter, Facebook Or Google+? Which social network fits you best? 3. We all know that social media has changed the rules of the advertising game. 4. How much could you make as a product manager at Twitter? 5. 3 Mistakes To Avoid When Using Twitter’s New Image Gallery Feature 6. 7. Social media: it’s not just for kids. 8. Readying for Some Football: Experts Offer Athletes Tips for Tweeting. 3 Mistakes To Avoid When Using Twitter’s New Image Gallery Feature. Revealed: The Official Name Of The Twitter Bird.

Calculating and Improving Your Twitter Click-through-Rate. The author's views are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. As marketers, many of us leverage Twitter as a direct traffic tool - sharing URLs via the service to encourage clicks and visits to help increase awareness, branding and possibly drive some direct actions (singups, sales, subscriptions, etc). But, from what I've seen and experienced, not many of us spend time thinking about how or taking action to improve the CTR we get from the links we tweet. Given that I have 21K+ followers, but most of the links I tweet generate 150-250 clicks, my CTR is only averaging 1.34% As analytics junkies, we're well aware that we can only improve things that we measure, analyze and test.

So let's look at a process for measuring our tweets, analyzing the data and testing our hypotheses about bettering our click-through-rates. If we do it right, we could increase the value Twitter brings us as a marketing and traffic channel. Twitter : Les 100 Comptes Francophones à suivre. Kevin Rose: 10 Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers. Twitter Directory and Search, Find Twitter Followers. Twitter est une source d'information pour 47% des journalistes. Nouveau : Twitter raccourcit les liens automatiquement. What is your main use of Twitter?|[POLL] Développer son business avec Twitter. Useful Twitter Tools and Apps List | Key to eMarketing Success. The #1 Twitter stats site powered by Twitter. @theoliver001's Mutual Twitter Friends. Twitter relationship manager. Tweepi v2.0 :: a geekier, faster way to bulk add quality followers.

Tweet adder tutorial videos | Twitter Adder - Professional Twitter Marketing Tools - Automatic Twitter Software - Automate Twitter Posts, Auto Twitter Follow, Automate Unfollow, Mass Tweets, Twitter Search, more .. Download | Twitter Adder - Professional Twitter Marketing Tools - Automatic Twitter Software - Automate Twitter Posts, Auto Twitter Follow, Automate Unfollow, Mass Tweets, Twitter Search, more ..

Twitter Directory and Search, Find Twitter Followers. Trends in France. 10 New Twitter Tools to Boost your Productivity. Who Doesn't Follow You on Twitter | Friend or Follow. #numbers.