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Mini Lesson Forest Fires

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How To Make A YouTube Video Part 1. Ethics in Video Production by on Prezi. Global Forest Watch Fires. Current Wildfire Situation - BC Wildfire Service - Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations - Province of British Columbia. Globalincidentmap. Filming a Raging Forest Fire | North America. Forest Fires are essential to some ecosystems. Fires play an important role in the natural changes that occur in Earth's ecosystems.

The diversity of plant and animal life in the world's forests, prairies, and wetlands is (partly) dependent on the effects of fire; in fact, some plants cannot reproduce without fire (fire breaks open the outside coating of some seeds and stimulates germination). What may at first look like total devastation soon becomes a panorama of new life. Fire initiates critical natural processes by breaking down organic matter into soil nutrients. Rain then moves these nutrients back into the soil providing a rejuvenated fertile seedbed for plants. With less competition and more sunlight, seedlings grow more quickly. Wild animals deal with fire remarkably well. Birds fly out of the fire area, large animals leave the danger zone by escaping to ponds and streams, while others return to their burrows.

Prescribed fire is one of the most important tools used today to manage Earth's diverse ecosystems. Fire behaviour. Fire behaviour refers to the manner in which fuel ignites, flame develops and fire spreads. In wildland fires, this behaviour is influenced by how fuels (such as needles, leaves and twigs), weather and topography interact. Once a fire starts, it will continue burning only if heat, oxygen and more fuel are present. Together, these three elements are said to make up the “fire triangle.” To put out a fire requires eliminating one or more of the fire triangle’s elements. Firefighters work to do that by: cooling fuels below the combustion temperature through the use of water, foam, retardant or dirt cutting off the oxygen supply through the use of water, retardant or dirt removing fuel by clearing a swath of trees and brush ahead of the advancing fire Types of wildland fires There are three basic types of forest fires: Crown fires burn trees up their entire length to the top.

Causes of wildland fires Canada’s main fire management tools Tools developed to support the CFFDRS include: