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Facebook Twitter - smartphones en alle smartphone-accessoires. Une pléthore de nouveaux jeux sous Windows Phone. TellMe vs Siri. World 2011. Building a Windows Phone 7 Application from Start to Finish. October 21, 2011 This documentation and accompanying sample application will get you started building a complete application that targets Windows Phone OS 7.1. You will learn the basics of Silverlight and Windows Phone development by creating a simple fuel-tracking application for your car. Some of the tasks that you will learn include the following: Fuel Tracker Sample Application This documentation includes a companion sample application named Fuel Tracker. Fuel Tracker is a complete application written in Silverlight for Windows Phone OS 7.1. Fuel Tracker enables a user to track the fuel consumption of his or her car. Audience This documentation and accompanying sample application are best suited for developers with the following experience levels.

Some experience with: Microsoft .NET Framework Visual Basic or C# Little or no experience with: Silverlight Windows Phone Types of Applications The Windows Phone application platform provides two frameworks for developing applications: Hardware. Are Windows Phone Xbox LIVE Games Too Expensive? « Windows Phone Metro. Fight the flu companion | CDC Flu App Challenge. The purpose of this Q&A is for Zune users to learn where to find information and support for their Zune products and services, and to learn how to take advantage of Xbox Music and Xbox Video. What’s changing with the Zune Marketplace?

Zune Marketplace no longer supports rental and purchase of content, or browsing movies and TV shows. Will this impact my ability to use my Zune Music Pass? No. You will still be able to stream or download songs with your Zune Music Pass. If you are on the original Zune Music Pass, you will also continue to be able to redeem your 10 monthly song credits through the Zune Marketplace. Will I still be able to use Zune to enjoy music? You can still use the Zune PC software to playback already downloaded songs and albums, re-download previously purchased music, and stream music with your Music Pass.

Will I still be able to use Zune to enjoy movies, and TV shows? What will happen to my previously-purchased music, movies, and TV shows? What about my Microsoft Points? Fight the flu companion | CDC Flu App Challenge. Fight the flu companion | CDC Flu App Challenge. LG Optimus 7 à 239,99 Euros chez Expansys. Tops 100 All categories - AppsFuze. Admob stats Windows Phone 7 application - AppsFuze. Monétisez votre application Windows Phone. Microsoft Advertising a récemment mis à jour son SDK pour Windows Phone afin que les développeurs puissent faire générer des revenus publicitaires en créant des applications supportant la publicité.

Cette dernière est utilisable sans distinction dans le framework Silverlight ou XNA. Les solutions publicitaires sont multiples et variées : paris en temps réel, à échange de publicité sur mobile et publicité ciblée, etc. En plus de cela, Microsoft propose des opportunités de monétisation supérieure, comme le montre d'ailleurs la success story de Richard Foster dont les revenus sont d'environ 7000€ par mois, simplement grâce à la publicité dans sa quinzaine d'applications. Pour vous aider à monétiser votre application ou jeu Windows Phone avec la publicité, Microsoft a même mis en ligne des tutoriels explicatifs tels que "Comment faire de l'argent en utilisant la solution Microsoft Advertising pour WP7 ? " C'est bien beau tout ça, cependant, il y a un hic ... Pour n'en citer que quelques-uns : Send to WP7 takes advantage of the browser to get files on your phone.

A problem with locked down operating systems like Windows phone 7 and the iPhone is how to get one’s documents from the desktop onto the device. Traditionally the clunky method is e-mail, but the browser is another window onto one’s device, as it usually also allows one to save documents. Dave Ameta from Send to WP7 fame has created an app to take advantage of this. Send to WP7 Desktop is in part a desktop and the other a cloud app, which allows one to quickly send any kind of file, including photos, videos and documents to one’s phone by uploading to a free cloud service. It also allows one to send large text clips from the desktop which could be used for SMS or email messages.

An earlier version of the software is available for download here and works pretty great, but would be even better if it preserved file extensions, as IE Mobile complained on quite a few occasions that it does not support extensions which I am sure it does, such as PDF. Thanks Jonny for the tip. LG: “Operators say there is too much Android” If this handset ran Windows Phone 7 LG would not wonder why their sales are low.

LG has spoken to Pocket-Lint about the performance of their Windows Phone 7 handsets. “From an industry perspective we had a high expectation, but from a consumer point of view the visibility is less than we expected,” said James Choi, marketing strategy and planning team director of LG Electronics global. LG is looking into explanations for this under-performance, but did not blame the OS itself. “LG has been closely collaborating with Microsoft from the beginning. What we feel is that it is absolutely perfect for a huge segment out there. €œFor tech guys like us it might be a little bit boring after a week or two, but are there are certain segments that it really appeals to.

Despite the feature set of most Windows Phone 7 handsets being near identical, LG has consistently in our and other surveys been pegged last amongst the big 3 Windows Phone 7 OEMs – Samsung, HTC and LG. Triple Flip Concept Cell Phone Design. Freeow! Used by hoopies and froods alike, Freeow! Is a plugin for making Growl-like alerts or message boxes on your website. You can customize the look and animation of Freeow! Each time a message box appears, and you can alter other options such as whether or not to have the message box hide itself automatically. Current version: 1.0.2Date released: 2012-05-16License: MITDownload: Zip FileRepository: GitHub Working Examples Click the button to see a simple Freeow!

Example. Make a custom Freeow! Freeow! I am so hip I have trouble seeing over my pelvis! Getting Started Markup Not much to it. If you’re planning on using the sample stylesheet, you’ll also want to apply the class .freeow to this element and either .freeow-top-right or .freeow-bottom-right. JavaScript Now, jQuery reference the element from the last step and call .freeow(), passing a title, message, and optional object of options. Customizing Freeow! Options Function Options. BookOfArt on Etsy - Sold Items. - Your favourite tweet wrapped around your finger Your favourite tweet wrapped around your finger. Set Your Desktop to a Place Off in the Distance. So That Playboy App Isn't Really an App At All. How 25 Tons of Bombs Made an Afghan Town Disappear.

Facebook récupérerait les contacts des iPhones. Selon Fortinet, une société spécialisée en sécurité, Facebook récupérerait les contacts des possesseurs d’iPhone via son application. Facebook profiterait de la synchronisation des contacts pour rafler tous les numéros de téléphones du carnet d’adresse de l’utilisateur. Pourtant, un message d’avertissement apparaît: “Tous les contacts de votre téléphone sont transmis à Facebook… Veuillez-vous assurer que vos amis acceptent que vous utilisiez ces informations sur votre téléphone.” “Au lieu de télécharger tous les contacts Facebook (…), la synchronisation effectue l’inverse. Elle upload les contacts de l’iPhone vers les serveurs de Facebook puis réalise la synchronisation”, explique un expert en sécurité chez Fortinet, cité par

Articles similaires: Connecting to the iTunes Store. Untitled. iTunes - 10 Billion App Countdown. 1.21 Jiggawatts – My Trilogy Kicks Your Trilogy’s Ass and Jigga What? by Nerduo. Holykaw.alltop. Two Facebook Phones Reportedly To Launch Next Month. 26 January '11, 04:55pm Follow According to City A.M, HTC have been chosen to manufacture two new Facebook-branded smartphones which will launch at Mobile World Congress, starting next month. The devices are said to feature Facebook’s branding and colours with the partnership seemingly confirming rumours of a Facebook phone that first started circulating in September 2010. The smartphones will run a slightly modified version of Android and are likely to display news feeds and status updates on the homescreen.

It is thought that Facebook’s Joe Hewitt (creator of Facebook’s iPhone application and Firefox developer) and Matthew Papakipos (formerly one of the chief members behind Google Chrome browser team) are the key figures leading development of the smartphones. Facebook might have chosen to partner with HTC because of the smartphone manufacturers experience in providing alternate user interfaces for its Android phones. Update 2: A source close to the matter contacted us and told us: Microsoft Research delivers cloud development kit for Windows Phone 7. Microsoft Research has made available for download a developer preview of its Windows Phone 7 + Cloud Services Software Development Kit (SDK). The new SDK is related to Project Hawaii, a mobile research initiative which I've blogged about before. Hawaii is about using the cloud to enhance mobile devices.

The "building blocks" for Hawaii applications/services include computation (Windows Azure); storage (Windows Azure); authentication (Windows Live ID); notification; client-back-up; client-code distribution and location (Orion). The SDK is "for the creation of Windows Phone 7 (WP7) applications that leverage research services not yet available to the general public," according to the download page. The first two services that are part of the January 25 SDK are Relay and Rendezvous. The Hawii team is working on other services which it is planning to release in dev-preview form by the end of February 2011. Microsoft sold 8 million Kinects in 60 days; blows away the iPad.

On Thursday, Microsoft announced its second quarter earnings, with a record of $19.95 billion. The software giant also posted its highlights of the year, one of them being the amount of Xbox 360 Kinect units sold. Microsoft reported that Kinect sold 8 million units in just 60 days, far exceeding the company's goal. Microsoft lived up to its goal when they announced back in September that Kinect will "blow away" iPad sales. It took Apple 28 days to sell the first million iPads, and the first three million in 80 days, which is far less than Microsoft's 8 million in 60 days. In terms of availability, the iPad was launched in the United States first, before being made available in nine more countries a month later.

The Kinect for Xbox 360 has made a big impact on the market, even selling faster than PlayStation 3's Move. Les emails Facebook sont arrivés ! Le Petit Nicolas Volume 1 Dvd Edition Simple. Garfield & Cie, Tome 2 : Odie Est Amoureux. L'apprenti Père Noël. Movie :: Avatar :: Dvd. Fox Pathe Europa Sons Of Anarchy - Saisons 1 Et 2 [coffret 6 Blu-ray] Blu-ray...

Monopoly. Connecting to the iTunes Store. L application VOO est disponible sur l Appstore. Le 1er février 2011 par Thomas Wallemacq (8703 lectures) Modifié le 2 février 2011. Les applications de VOO et de Be tv viennent de faire leur apparition sur l'Appstore. Elles permettent aux abonnés de consulter gratuitement le programme TV de plus d'une centaine de chaînes directement sur leur iPhone ! VOO et Be tv viennent de lancer leur propre application sur l’Appstore d’Apple. Dans un premier temps, elles permettent aux abonnés de consulter le programme TV des prochains jours, mais aussi de sélectionner leurs émissions favorites et de se confectionner un programme TV personnalisé. Déjà annoncé chez d’autres opérateurs belges, ce projet était resté dans les cartons. L’application se compose de 5 onglets : "Mon Guide" vous permet d’accéder à la programmation de plus de 170 chaînes "En soirée" vous donne directement la programmation de la soirée.

Pour l’instant, il n’y a pas encore d’interactivité directe entre l’application et le VOOcorder. Vous avez testé l’application ? Hotpot. What If Websites Were TV Shows? OS Bowl Game 4: Apple iOS vs. Windows Phone 7. Voting Ends 2/4 at 9 a.m. So Game 3 saw webOS beat Android in a heated contest that saw fanboys flaming each other left and right. The carnage! Oh, the Humanity! Meeting webOS in the final will be the winner of this contest, Apple’s iOS versus Windows Phone 7, which promises to be at least as exciting as the Pro Bowl. Montagues vs. Capulets. Itchy vs. Rocky vs. Apple vs. It’s only fitting that Cupertino and Redmond, historic OS rivals, should face each other in the OS Bowl. Apple’s iOS recently squeaked out a victory against Android, as we noted that iOS has an incredibly intuitive and interface, seamless integration with the iTunes and its industry-leading App Store, and even has multitasking (of a sort).

Finally, iOS is arguably on the best hardware around, the iPhone 4 and the iPad. To recap, Windows Phone 7 is Microsoft’s renewed effort in the smart phone space. However, there’s no multitasking with third-party apps, no 4G or mobile hotspot suppot, no native instant-messaging app. So, which OS is your favorite? What Windows Phone 7 would look like if it supported Nokia themes. MyNokiaBlog have posted some fan-made mock-ups of what a Windows Phone 7 handset would look like if it supported Nokia’s theme system, featuring such ‘cool’ elements as leather wallpaper and category bars.

Nokia has been promised wide freedom to customize Windows Phone 7 by Microsoft, so something like the above is certainly possible, especially if there is a big demand from Nokia’s Symbian constituent. Now I know everyone likes to customize their handset, but am I the only one who thinks this actually cheapens the Windows phone 7 experience? See more mockups below and at MyNokiablog here. Thanks Just Visiting for the tip. OldPhone Windows Phone 7 application - AppsFuze. Windows Phone 7 Iconography - Mike Ormond's Blog.

Windows Phone 7 : Développez votre première application | Evènements au MIC. Vous êtes un développeur .NET, Iphone, Androïd ou encore Java, confirmé ou néophyte. La nouvelle plateforme Windows Phone 7 vous intéresse et vous désirez développer votre application mobile. Cette conférence est faite pour vous. Durant cette session, vous allez découvrir les outils le marketplace les particularités de la plateforme mobile l’utilisation des pivots & panorama les sensors des notions sur la notification. Cette session est gratuite. Cependant quelques prérequis sont nécessaires : être un développeur Venir avec son laptop, avoir installé les outils de développement (téléchargeable gratuitement sur Si vous n'avez aucune expérience, je vous inte à suivre ce tutorial Speaker : Mr Christophe Peerens de NeoMytic Christophe, spécialiste en développement système, est actif dans le développement mobile depuis plus de 10 ans.

Handy Windows Phone 7 home screen customization tip. Windows Phone 7 ‘NoDo’ Update Now Available To All. As we previously reported that the Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 update page got updated with the ‘NoDo’ update change log. Now the March 2011 Update (OS Build: 7.0.7390.0) , as mentioned by Microsoft is now available to most of the Windows Phone 7 devices around the world.

If you are hungry to have ‘NoDo’ , just plug your device into PC running Zune, you will get notification both on phone and PC that an update is available for your phone. So that’s it, if you have some space in your PC to backup your phone contents during update process (Don’t worry, if you don’t have enough space Zune will notify you), go ahead and click update.

The following screen will appear showing update progress. After the update process, the following screen will appear, BTW, I’ve updated my HTC Mozart with this March 2011 update few minutes back and the above screenshots were taken during that. Update: Windows Phone 7 - Les ressources techniques de la communauté. Update Your Windows Phone 7 Device Using Simple Tool. Amazon.