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Introduction to A* Pathfinding. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or follow me on Twitter. Thanks for visiting! This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Johann Fradj, a software developer currently full-time dedicated to iOS. He is the co-founder of Hot Apps Factory which is the creator of App Cooker. Learn how the A* Pathfinding Algorithm Works! Have you ever had a game where you wanted to make monsters or players move to a particular point, while avoiding walls and obstacles? If so, read this tutorial, and we’ll show you how you can do this with A* pathfinding! There are already several articles on A* pathfinding on the web, but most of them are for experienced developers who already know the basics.

This tutorial takes the approach of covering the fundamentals from the ground up. Regardless of what programming language or platform you are using, you should find this tutorial helpful as it explains the algorithm in a language agnostic format. A Pathfinding Cat Simplifying the Search Area. Acquire Foundational Programming Skills. The Foundation framework, as its name suggests, is the foundational toolkit for all programming for both iOS and OS X.

You need to become familiar with this toolkit to be a successful developer for these platforms. Foundation defines dozens of classes and protocols for a variety of purposes, but three categories of classes and protocols stand out as particularly fundamental: The root class and related protocols. The root class, NSObject, along with a protocol of the same name, specifies the basic interface and behavior of all Objective-C objects. There are also protocols a class can adopt so that clients can copy instances of the class and encode their state.Value classes. A value class generates an instance (called a value object) that is an object-oriented wrapper for a primitive data type such as a string, a number, a date, or binary data. The Root Class and Objective-C Objects But by itself, an NSObject instance cannot do anything useful beyond being a simple object. Create Objects. Basic Step by Step WCF WebService.

Introduction In this article, I will be creating a simple Student Enrollment web service using WCF components from the ground up. This article does not use the WCF Project template in Visual Studio rather I will create this WCF web service using basic components that builds up the WCF technology. I will break down the components into separate discrete assemblies to give you a wider view of the big picture of WCF.

Then, I will host this web service in a simple Console Application. Background WCF is a unification of multiple technologies that were used in creating Distributed Applications which includes COM+, .NET Enterprise Services, MSMQ, .NET Remoting, Web services, etc. for communication. More of that, it would be much easier to grasp a topic if we can just create and test it, right? Using the code (Note: This project will use a Console Application to host the web service for simplicity. First step - Define the WebService Interface Open Visual Studio 2010 and create a new project.

Apple: The Splendid Failure. “All of us have failed to match our dream of perfection. I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible.” ~ William Faulkner The Innovator’s Dilemma If you’ve heard this story before, don’t stop me, because I’d like to hear it again. ~ Groucho Marx The Innovator’s Dilemma made the point that successful companies can lose their way when they pay too much attention to legacy products and not enough attention to new stuff. They are making so much money they either don’t see a competitor rising up or are too complacent to feel threatened.

In either case the incumbent generally loses and the upstart generally wins. Standing still is the fastest way of moving backwards in a rapidly changing world.” ~ Lauren Bacall The paradox is that choosing “shareholder value” or profit as your North Star will eventually lead to the demise of your business. Although gold dust is precious, when it gets in your eyes it obstructs your vision. ~ Hsi-tang The Innovator’s Impossible Solution No. Learn Complex Philosophy The Easy And Fun Way. Philosophy can be a very interesting subject to learn.

But with its complex nature, let’s face it, sometimes philosophy can be very intimidating, difficult to understand and can prop up boredom in which stop us from learning more. However, we know ideas create possibilities. What if we come up of an idea to make it better? What if, we can find a way to make this intricate subject more simpler, easier, and more fun to understand? Fortunately, today we will be enlighten with a handful of knowledge. The works we will be featuring today are made by Genis Carreras. Absolutism Atheism Authoritarianism Determinism Dogma Dualism Empiricism Existentialism Free will Hedonism Holism Humanism Idealism Ads Marxism Nihilism Positivism Rationalism Realism Reductionism Relativism Skepticism Solipsism Theism Utilitarianism Check out Genis Carreras and more of his Philographics on his website You can share what you think on Genis’ works by leaving a comment below.

Conclusion. Current community your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities Stack Exchange sign up log in tour help Geographic Information Systems Ask Question Take the 2-minute tour × Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals.

What native spatially-enabled SDK options are there to deploy GIS data on iOS and Android mobile devices? 2 Answers active oldest votes Your Answer Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Stack Exchange Post as a guest discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Not the answer you're looking for? Community Bulletin blog Podcast #59 – The Decline and Fall of Stack Overflow Get the weekly newsletter! Top questions and answers Important announcements Unanswered questions see an example newsletter By subscribing, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Related Hot Network Questions. Hack Your Mind: 23 Tricks to Learn Anything Better. Parse Emails by Zapier. Signup and create your first mailbox with an email address (ex:

Send us an email (auto-forwarded emails work best!) To use as the basic template. Simply highlight and name the text that you want to extract from future emails matching the template. You can extract many parts of an email. All emails sent to the mailbox will now be parsed and extracted data will be saved and accessible in your dashboard. Connect your Parser account to Zapier to send it to hundreds of other services. What Turns You On? 10 Fascinating Facts About Sexual Attraction. Those were the stated turn-ons and turn-offs for Linda Gamble, Playboy’s Playmate of the Year, 1961.

Oh, how we love turn-ons and turn-offs -- as much a must-read as the centerfold was a must-see. It was fun to wonder how you would answer the question, and to wonder what constitutes a turn-on or a turn-off, anyway? People’s likes and dislikes are marvelously capricious, but when it comes to actual sexual turn-ons or attractions, your brain is reacting to stimuli and sending out signals that you might not be aware of, shaping your reactions and choices. From certain sounds to actual physical changes that could alter your sexual self in bizarre ways, here are 10 ways your brain might be controlling the on/off switch for your attractions. 1.

“You and that car. That’s what my friend Bob said about the used Mercedes I bought for a song in the '90s, a car that spent more time with the mechanic than with me. By contrast, after listening to the Polo testosterone in all groups dropped. 3. 7. 9. PS4 Jailbreaking (with OrbisOS 0day) Understanding and Implementing Proxy Pattern in C# Introduction This article talks about Proxy pattern, when should we use proxy pattern and what are the benefits of using the Proxy pattern. This article also presents a small rudimentary implementation of Proxy pattern to illustrate the pattern. Background There is sometimes scenarios where we need to access the objects that are either a part of the separate application, separate domain or perhaps are installed on the other part of the world. If we need to access such objects of functionality we need to handle the communication logic between applications too. i.e.

The whole point of the above scenario illustration is to understand that along with the code/logic to cater to the real functionality/data we need to put in the logic to handle the communication logic too. The whole idea of a proxy pattern is to have a local module that will mimic the functionality of the real module. GoF define proxy pattern as "Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.

" 21 signs of BAD MANAGERS I met in my career as a software manager. Schema evolution in Avro, Protocol Buffers and Thrift. So you have some data that you want to store in a file or send over the network. You may find yourself going through several phases of evolution: Using your programming language’s built-in serialization, such as Java serialization , Ruby’s marshal , or Python’s pickle . Or maybe you even invent your own format. Then you realise that being locked into one programming language sucks, so you move to using a widely supported, language-agnostic format like JSON (or XML if you like to party like it’s 1999). Then you decide that JSON is too verbose and too slow to parse, you’re annoyed that it doesn’t differentiate integers from floating point, and think that you’d quite like binary strings as well as Unicode strings.

Then you find that people are stuffing all sorts of random fields into their objects, using inconsistent types, and you’d quite like a and some , thank you very much. Once you get to the fourth stage, your options are typically Thrift , Protocol Buffers or Avro . Protocol Buffers. Porting iOS Apps to Windows 8 (1) : Introducing Windows 8 Platform to iOS A. Author: Rafe Wu Channel 9 About this Development Guide If you are iOS developer and interested in building your first applications for Windows 8, this guide is designed for you.

The guide covers what you need to know to add Windows 8 development to your skill set, while leveraging what you have already learned building iOS apps. After learning this guide, you will know the same and the difference between these two platforms and the best replacement when you port certain features to Windows Store applications. Target Audience This document is for iOS app developers who are looking for opportunities to develop or port their apps for Windows 8. Conventions Used in this Document Windows 8 introduces a new type of application: the Windows Store app. To learn more about the business opportunity of Windows 8, see Selling apps. The Developer Tools Programming architecture In iOS, you have to use Object-C to create apps.

How to Learn C# Part 1. Ok so a few months ago I posted an intro to C# and the .Net framework and talked about a set of tutorials, and here they are. I’m going to jump right into coding and explore a working application. C# is my favorite language, and after a while of using it you’ll see why. The previous article was basically an intro and reasoning behind why you should use C#, this is more practical hands on stuff. We’ll start with hands-on code and move on to how to use it.

Note that this tutorial is for the absolute beginner, if you’ve had experience with other Object Oriented Languages you may want to skim this one and move on the to the next. What you need to get started. To get started you won’t need much. You will need: Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 or greater - Download it hereVisual Studio Express 2012 - Download it HereA text editor. All of these downloads are 100% free - no trial or anything like that so you can really take off and run with this stuff.

Get Set Up So to set your path, you should type in: Await Tasks in C#4 using Iterators. Download - 11.3 KB Introduction So, you've read about the C#5 async and await keywords and how they help simplify asynchronous programming. Alas, your employer (or you) upgraded to Visual Studio 2010 just two years ago and isn't ready to shell out another round for VS 2012. You are stuck with VS 2010 and C#4 where that feature is unsupported.

(This article also applies to VB.NET 2010; different syntax, but same approach.) You're left pining, "Oh, how much clearer my code would be if only I could write methods in VS 2010 which look synchronous but perform asynchronously. " After reading this article, you will be able to do just that. We must admit at the start that async/await is a fine topping of syntactic sugar which we don't have, so our code will be a little more salty than it would be with them. Overview The async/await keywords are built on the Task Asynchronous Pattern. In a C#5 async method, you would await a Task. The End Goal An Easy Start So far, so good. Get Started with Push Notifications in Mobile Services. A MetaStock class library in C# Metastock is a popular data format for storing end-of-day and intraday stock quotes data. It's a very old format with a structure that is a total mess. I myself have spent a lot of time figuring how to properly read quotes in a jungle of different files and formats.

Here I present the actual C# code I use to interface with the database that I update every evening from my data vendor. Information on the metastock data structure is scattered over the web. I've collected what seemed to work and implemented as a C# class. A special thank to Julian M Bucknall for providing the code to convert from MBF4 (Microsoft Binary Format single precision) to standard floating point IEEE number.

The library is organized as follows: the struct MetaStockRow stores one day of data public struct MetaStockRow { public DateTime Day; public double Open; public double High; public double Low; public double Close; public double Volume; public double OpenInterest; } How to use the code: An example: PhoneGap From Scratch: Camera & Exporting. Want to learn how to use PhoneGap, but don’t know where to get started? Join us as we put together “Sculder”, not only a tribute to an excellent science fiction TV series, but a fully-fledged native mobile application for the believer in you! Adding Camera Functionality We left off in the last tutorial in this series just after getting our application into the Phonegap framework and awaiting to add our final piece of functionality: the device camera.

The idea behind this tutorial is to allow the user to take a photo with the camera and then have it uploaded to a server. We will not cover the actual uploading of the image, but will leave the space for the functionality to be added. You can find plenty of examples of various implementations for uploading images via PHP, Ruby, and other server side languages elsewhere online. The first thing we need to do is add a button onto our page: Next, we need to add a bit of styling for the button to make it look a bit nicer. Exporting for iOS. I Learned to Speak Four Languages in a Few Years: Here's How. CSharp Driver LINQ Tutorial. Using jQuery Mobile with MVC and Netduino for Home Automation.

PL101: Create your own programming language. Augmented Reality comes to JavaScript. Room112 – PhoneGap Exploration. Quickest way to create a .NET database application. Writing a CV in LaTeX. Creating Windows Phone, iPhone and Android Apps with iFactr in Visual Studi. Beginning Node.js. Six important .NET concepts: Stack, heap, value types, reference types, box. Learn Programming Without Paying a Penny. - Books And Courses To Learn To Code. 11 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read.

Dive Into .NET Web Development. A C# Turing Machine. Sumerics. You Are A Developer, The Internet Is Your Friend. Shut Down, Restart, Log off or Lock your computer in C# A Beginner's Tutorial on Implementing IEnumerable and IEnumerable interface. Ways of Delegation in .NET (C# and VB) How to Become Skilled at Learning Programming Languages. 10 Books To Make You Smarter (And A Better Worker) Illustrated Design Patterns: More real-life examples in C#

.NET Development for ARM Processors. Why Microsoft Developers Should Care About Node.js. New PhoneGap API Explorer available on the App Store. 4. Object-Oriented Programming with CSharp. Automatically localizing applications with Google Translate. 6 Tools To Keep Your Coder Mind Sharp. Developing a Mobile Backend Using StrongNode – Part 3. iOS 7 shines as Apple bests Android, Windows Phone in 'user experience shoo. Bullet Physics Tutorial: Getting Started. 10 Mind-Blowing Experiments That Will Change The Way You Understand Yoursel. Back Row. 50 Job Interview Questions You Should Be Prepared to Answer. Node-app/Interpreter · GitHub. App Store Distribution - Support - Apple Developer. Streaming live results to a web site using MSMQ/Duplex WCF/SignalR/jQuery. Deploy Gitlab on your own server using Dokku. Tech Book Face Off: The Pragmatic Programmer Vs. Code Complete.

Announcing the Release of the LightSwitch HTML Client! Math ∩ Programming. Postmodern-Programming/Postmodern at master · An Interview with Brian Kernighan on C and The C Programming Language. Learn GIT (P1) A Tour of Vector Representations.