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3D prototyping. 3D prototyping. Personal Portable 3D Printer. How to Teleport! Free 3D Scanning and Cheap 3D Printing! Teleportation is awesome.

How to Teleport! Free 3D Scanning and Cheap 3D Printing!

Transporting material instantly from once location to another will change the world. Local bands will have global tours, truck drivers will not have jobs, food wont spoil on shelves while others go hungry, and fewer people will listen to podcasts on their way into work. Many cultures have their own stories of lightning speed travel, teleportation and apparition. Muslims have the concept of Tay Al Ard, which comes from the words for folding of the earth, to excite them.

Geeks have Star Trek's Transporter to inspire and scientsits have been working on teleporting information. 3D PRINT PRICE [3D Print Price] Affordable, Easy-to-Use 3D Printers.