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Kantango. Learn Japanese Online for Free - it's fun with easy flash quizes! Learn Basic Japanese. Ok. Lets starts for forming basic sentences to learn Japanese language.So now we will start with learning some basic japanese. Here we will assume that you have learned all hiraganaalphabets. If not, please feel free to revise them once again. Greetings in Japanese Greetings in japanese language are either 'formal' or 'friendly'. Japanese people are very particular about their greetings. Following is the list of very simple and basic set of Japanese greetings, which is used in day-today conversations:- Introduction in Japanese Relationshp in Japanese Greeting to ask how are you along with the different ways to answer it:- Question: Ogenki desu ka?

Ans 1: Okage samade genki desu. Ans 2: Hai, mama desu. Ans 3: Hai genki desu. List Of Lessons |  Learn Japanese | Japanese Lessons. The Hiragana Chart | Learn The Kana - Learn Japanese Alphabet Online For Free.