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KIT Library | Catalogs | KVK, Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog - English | Search. Meta search interface for more than 500 million books and serials in library and book trade catalogs worldwide. More ... About KVK KVK News (in German) The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog KVK is a meta search interface which allows you to access library and book trade catalogs online via Internet. KVK starts a simultaneous search in the catalogs and gives you a standardized hit list. As the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog does not have a own database it depends on the availability of the target systems. If you click through from the hit list you are linked to the target system and leave the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog. For more informations look at the German page "KVK Help & Informations" or the KVK articles of Uwe Dierolf und Dr. Hints Use "? " Please regard The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue has no influence on the content of catalogues listed above.

Worldcat. BnF. SUDOC. Catalogue Bibgeo.