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How To Design Your Own Infographics. Introduction Infographics seem to be a real trend today, with new ones popping up daily on all sorts of subjects.

How To Design Your Own Infographics

From mortgages to ice cream, estimating software to infographics about infographics, there is very little now that hasn't been 'visualised' in some form. Many people don't realise that the term information graphic, or 'infographic' was first coined over 100 years ago, with the Coxcomb chart by Florence Nightingale in 1857 being one of earliest recognised examples. They have existed in many forms since then, but only in the past few years have infographics developed into the art form we know today.

However, they suit the information heavy world we live in as they give an easily understandable visual snapshot of something that may otherwise be plain text, and can help to widen the audience of a subject. 10 Reasons Why We Visualise Data. The Ultimate Guide To Infographics. What Are Infographics? I found many definitions of what Infographics are as well as explanations of how they are useful in a variety of settings. Here are a couple of the definitions I liked followed by their sources: Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education.

Information Is Beautiful.