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Amishland Heirloom Seed Home. Painted Daisy - Chrysanthemum carinatum from Victory Seeds® Non-Hybrid Vegetable Fruit Grain Herb Seeds. Heirloom Seeds vs Monsanto Hybrid GMO Food Agenda. Important. The Four Steps Required to Keep Monsanto OUT of Your Garden. Sources for Buying Non-GMO Seeds. One of the questions that I often get and have had myself for a while is where can you buy non-gmo seeds or seeds from companies that aren’t owned by Monsanto.

Sources for Buying Non-GMO Seeds

Monsanto owns something like 90-95% of the seed companies out there. So the company might not be selling genetically engineered seeds, the money is still going into the pockets of Monsanto. I’m not down with that. Here are some seed companies that I’ve either worked with or have been highly recommended by others. Owning It. Peddling a product that consumers can duplicate for free is a tricky business.

Owning It.

With affordable consumer technology, you can now copy a song a hundred times, with no degradation in the sound quality—and most people seem to immediately recognize why that’s gonna make it harder to get paid for songs. But my first experiences with lossless, duplicable technology didn’t have anything to do with my career as a rapper. My first encounter wasn’t with a torrent site. Or a bootlegged disc. It was a tomato. Seeds, quite obviously, are the mechanism of plant duplication. Why it Matters to Buy Heirloom Plants and Seeds. The loss of genetic seed diversity facing us today may lead to a catastrophe far beyond our imagining.

Why it Matters to Buy Heirloom Plants and Seeds

The Irish potato famine, which led to the death or displacement of two and a half million people in the 1840s, is an example of what can happen when farmers rely on only a few plant species as crop cornerstones. One blight wiped out the single potato type that came from deep in the Andes mountains; it did not have the necessary resistance. If the Irish had planted different varieties of potatoes, one type would have most likely resisted the blight. We can help save heirloom seeds by learning how to buy and save these genetically diverse jewels ourselves. ABOUT SEEDS One kind of seed, called First generation hybrids (F1 hybrids), have been hand-pollinated, and are patented, often sterile, genetically identical within food types, and sold from multinational seed companies.

The Art of Saving Heirloom Vegetable Seeds - Grow It! “At the time, I assumed everyone had grandparents who hoarded rare seeds, enjoyed food they grew themselves and dabbled in the kind of connoisseurship that comes from eating only what is fresh and local (especially your own).

The Art of Saving Heirloom Vegetable Seeds - Grow It!

I was soon to learn that this was not the case and that what we had found in the freezer was a major collection of very rare seeds, very rare indeed.” This quote from William Woys Weaver’s Harvesting Our Heirloom History pinpoints the moment when heirloom seed preservation became his lifework. Weaver describes heirloom seed saving as the link to a rich horticultural and culinary heritage. Seed Savers Exchange: Passing on our Garden Heritage. Seed Saving Tips: Harvesting Heirloom Garden Seeds for Next Year" How to Save Pure Heirloom Vegetable Seeds From Your Garden. Vegetable Seed Saving Handbook Different Techniques for Different Goals What counts as 'good' seed saving practice is very different depending on whether you want to: create varieties adapted to your own gardening style and tastes; or preserve a variety's genetic makeup.

How to Save Pure Heirloom Vegetable Seeds From Your Garden

This chapter will tell you how to preserve an heirloom variety in its original genetic makeup. This is very different from growing seeds for adaptation to your personal gardening climate, tastes and/or habits. Superfood seeds allow you to grow your own medicine and nutrition in your back yard. Occupy organic vegetable gardens - Rebirth of the Victory garden. (NaturalNews) During World Wars I and II, private citizens were encouraged to plant Victory gardens in an effort to support the war effort and take the strain off the food industry, providing more food for citizens living at home.

Little gardens popped up all over the country and they were called Victory gardens because people envisioned a victorious end to strife, sadness and hardship. Victory gardens in the U.S. produced a staggering 40% of the food supply. The Victory garden campaign resulted in 5 million gardens tended by over 20 million Americans, providing over $1.2 billion in food by the end of WWII. Victory gardens were planted on every available plot of land -- whether postage-stamp sized or covering several acres. The gardening campaign took the country by storm, with people being empowered by raising their own fresh, organic (because there wasn't anything else back then) fruits and vegetables; coupled with the hope of victory over adversity and better times to come.

Consolidation of seed companies leading to corporate domination of world food supply. (NaturalNews) Throughout the history of agriculture across the globe, farming has always been a diversified sector of the economy.

Consolidation of seed companies leading to corporate domination of world food supply

Small, self-sustaining, family farms were the order of the day in most cultures. Even as small farms grew larger and more specialized over time, many of them still saved seeds or purchased them from other farmers, which kept control of farming in the hands of the people. But today everything has changed, as large chemical and agribusiness firms have acquired or merged with seed companies and other agricultural input companies.

They have successfully gained a foothold on genetically-modified (GM) crops with transgenic traits. These primary factors and several others have facilitated a crescendo towards the global domination of agriculture by corporations, and thus the world's food supply. The dismal state in which we find ourselves today did not come overnight, of course, but it did pick up rapid speed after the introduction of GM crops in the mid-1990s. Prof. Top Eight Vegetable Seeds Having the Longest Shelf Life. Survival Seeds - The Survival Seed Bank Provides a Lifetime Food Solution for Families.