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Inspiration. Web2.0. Scratch | Imagine, Program, Share. How to stifle your creativity in 10 easy steps - Jay Walker's library of human imagination | Video on 11 Traits of Highly Creative Students. Dean Rieck is a highly creative and successful direct marketing copywriter. He recently posted this piece “Do You Have These 11 Traits of Highly Creative People?” On the wonderful site Copyblogger. As my title suggests, these 11 traits should be encouraged and developed in our students. Standards, standardized testing and approved curriculum is important, but is not enough. We need to develop what students will truly need in to be successful in the future. Creativity is the edge they need and we need to do our best develop it. So with thanks to Dean, here are 11 highly creative traits that students need to develop. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

We are sending our students out into a globally competitive world. This thing called reading. Years ago Frank Smith was very popular with those who believed in holistic or experience based learning. A quick look at his book reassures me that his ideas make as much sense as ever. I never really get involved with reading or literacy but it seems the 'default mode' for most primary teachers. When you visit primary classrooms you become aware that the great part of the school day centres around literacy and numeracy. For all this emphasis reading still seem to be a problem for some students it ever was. And to keep teachers on the straight and narrow there are those who see salvation in phonics waiting in the wings to distort the process even more. And to make things even worse( or more serious) are the proliferation of reading tests to assess where students 'are at' all resulting in gathering and graphing data.

Reading the most recent literacy book produced by the Ministry and it is enough for me to give up . And still children fail. This Friday I present at a reading conference!