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Research, Curation and Presentation Tools

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Prezi vs Powerpoint « Classroom201X. Best way to give a spectacular presentation?

Prezi vs Powerpoint « Classroom201X

This was the first post I wrote about Prezi and it has remained popular. I’ve also written a post asking for suggestions using the tool, which you can find here. If you want to see some example Prezis I have embedded them into these posts: creativity, planning, any ideas? Flavour of the month (well, year) in terms of presentations, has been Prezi – an online presentation tool being held up as a being something that you can use to end the infamous “Death by Powerpoint”. Pearltrees. Zotero. Diigo - Web Highlighter and Sticky Notes, Online Bookmarking and Annotation, Personal Learning Network. Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor.