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Flipped Classroom

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7 Excellent Free Blended Learning Resources – Understanding the Whys and Hows of Mixed Mode Instruction. “Blended Learning” has many definitions.

7 Excellent Free Blended Learning Resources – Understanding the Whys and Hows of Mixed Mode Instruction

Here’s one I really like, “Blended Learning is … a shift to online delivery for a portion of the day to make students, teachers and schools more productive. Learning in multiple modalities yields more and better data that creates an integrated and customizable learning experience.” Despite new studies, flipping the classroom still enjoys widespread support. Go ahead and postpone the conversation about the backlash against the flipped classroom model.

Despite new studies, flipping the classroom still enjoys widespread support

Supporters and skeptics alike -- and even the researchers behind a seemingly critical new report -- say the discussion continues to be positive. Flipping the classroom -- the practice of giving students access to lectures before they come to class and using class time for more engaging activities -- hasn't been nearly as divisive as many other ed tech trends, such as massive open online courses or outsourcing digital services. Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement. Hi, I’m Philip Guo, an assistant professor of Computer Science at the University of Rochester.

Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement

Since my research interests are in human-computer interaction and online education, I was really excited when Anant Agarwal (edX President) and Rob Rubin (VP of Engineering) invited me to spend the past summer at edX as a visiting research scientist. Anant, Rob, and the rest of the edX leadership team have been wonderfully supportive of my research efforts.