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Machine Learning. With Watson, IBM Seeks to Sell Medical Knowledge. On the TV show House, Dr.

With Watson, IBM Seeks to Sell Medical Knowledge

Gregory House spends most of each hourlong episode wrestling with how to diagnose a patient who presents a bewildering set of symptoms. IBM research engineer Steve Daniels jokes that he and his colleagues could turn House into a “five-second show.” The doctors would simply ask, “Hey, Watson, what does this guy have?” Watson is the supercomputing engine that beat the top two human competitors on the quiz show Jeopardy! Sociable machines - Facial expressions. Facial Behaviors The human face is the most complex and versatile of all species.

Sociable machines - Facial expressions

For humans, the face is a rich and versatile instrument serving many different functions. It serves as a window to display one's own motivational state. This makes one's behavior more predictable and understandable to others and improves communication.