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Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Lecture series. Feb. 18 & 19 Humans have always sought to imitate in art and technology the appearance, functions and intelligence of humans. For many years, making humanlike robots was considered science fiction, but as a result of significant advances in biologically inspired technologies, such robots are increasingly becoming an engineering reality. These technologies include artificial intelligence, artificial vision and hearing as well as artificial muscles.

There are already humanlike robots that walk, talk, interpret speech, make eye-contact and facial expressions, and perform many other humanlike functions. For space exploration, the application of such robotic technologies has been limited so far to manipulator arms and an ongoing development at JPL of legged rovers. Image credit: copyright © 2010 Adi Marom› Larger image. Invention of Love (2010) - Animated Short Film. 9 - Official Trailer.

Futurama - Death to 1X Robots. What. Puzzle with a Piece Missing - Gotye. Rush-Freewill (Lyrics) The Gods Must Be Crazy Funniest Scene. The Bushmen explaining coke to the baboon. The gods must be crazy.