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Wellbeing and Growth Mindset

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The Best YouTube Videos for Kids: 24 Powerful Life Lessons. When it comes to videos for kids, YouTube is full of junk – some of them more disturbing than others.

The Best YouTube Videos for Kids: 24 Powerful Life Lessons

To wade through it all, my personal guideline for what I’ll let my kids watch is this: Would I sit down and watch this alongside my child? If the idea of sitting down together to watch a particular video, TV show, or movie makes me want to grab the nearest LEGO and gouge out my eyes, then that show is a big no in my book. Welcome Young Students To Big School - Clickview. Starting High School For Australian Students - Clickview. A Pep Talk from Kid President to You. Sesame Street: Bruno Mars: Don't Give Up. Sesame Street: Janelle Monae- Power of Yet. Sesame Street: Sings "What I Am"

ClassDojo (search 'mindest' for complete video list) Developing a growth mindset. Developing A Growth Mindset - Clickview. Teaching a Growth Mindset. Get Moving. Needs and Wants for Kids. Understanding your feelings - BTN. Wellbeing for children: healthy habits - Clickview. Wellbeing for children: identity and values - Clickview. Wellbeing For Children: Resilience - Clickview. Wellbeing For Children: Motivation - Clickview. Wellbeing For Children: Confidence And Self-Esteem - Clickview. Ethics For Kids: Right And Wrong - Clickview. Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube channel. Emotions and Feelings for Kids. What is anxiety? - Clickview. Mental Health: The Basics - Introduction. Dealing with Cyberbullying. Kids 5-12 Years. It can be helpful to have a discussion with your class prior to the session to get them thinking about the topic (not essential).

Kids 5-12 Years

Encourage your class to make comments and ask questions - the session is not about right and wrong, it's a discussion where everyone's thoughts are valid. It's equally okay not to speak up during the session, as long as students are listening (we emphasise this point because some sensitive issues can come up and students may need to process these silently). If you show enthusiasm and interest in the session, from our experience, your class will too. Although the sessions are pre-written, we make them as interactive as possible and have the capacity to be quite responsive to students' interest/needs. There is room for students to ask questions or raise issues that are off the chosen topic (the counsellor will make sure all the necessary information is covered during the session).