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Connected learning resources and infographic. Looking at Connectivism as a New Learning Theory. What better time to explore something new than the start of a New Year. Since beginning this blog in July I have come across the concept of Connectivism several times. Despite having been around since 2005, this was not a learning theory that we covered in graduate school, but one that, at first glance, seems to lend itself nicely to considering learning in the Information Age. What the Heck is Connectivism? To a very significant extent Connectivism is a rehashing of the basic principles of constructivism and social constructivism established by Duffy and Cunningham (1996) and Lave and Wenger (2001) respectively – the basic principles of all three theories are that knowledge and learning are active, socially mediated processes that happen in authentic contexts and through interactions with real world practitioners. Connectivism incorporates the additional dimension that learning happens more rapidly in a connected, information rich world through technological mediation.

Building a Learning Network for Students.