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Social Media Resources and Learning Materials | Hootsuite. Currently trending Most popular Resources Loading Resources Sorry, there are no results to display. Reset filters? 10 Awesome Twitter Analytics and Visualization Tools. Recently Twitter rolled out their native analytics platform for all users and now you can get some quality data about your tweets directly from Twitter. After researching over a thousand Twitter Tools for the Twitter Tools Book I came across many Twitter analytics and visualization tools. These Twitter tools were designed to add value by presenting a different way to visualize or analyze your tweets, the people in your network, and the tweets from the people in your network. Many tools tried to add value and failed. At least they tried. The following tools, however, stand out in my mind as exceptional or entertaining and I recommend you check them out if you want to analyze and visualize your activity on Twitter. 1.

TweepsMap is an excellent Twitter tool for both analyzing and visualizing your Twitter network. As it’s name suggests it does this by showing you how your followers are distributed on a map, in terms of percentages. You can see the distribution of my followers below. Unique. 2. Explore. Explore. How to Leverage Twitter for Business Marketing. More and more small businesses are leveraging twitter to stay up-to-the-minute with their online audiences. These audiences often include customers, vendors, brand advocates, and even competitors. Sharing short, informative updates of 140 characters or less on the fast-moving social media site can enable any business to grow if it strategically manages their messaging and strategy for keeping their audiences engaged. Twitter is, without a doubt, the darling of celebrities who enjoy updating their fans with their daily doings. For businesses, leveraging Twitter is a bit more challenging. On one hand, it’s an online communication channel that can be used to instantaneously share promotions, sales, news, opinions, and more.

By its nature, the continuous flow of Twitter updates means that businesses that do choose to use it must be willing to commit to its ongoing support on a very regular basis. Many businesses wonder how Twitter is different from other social media sites. Kabbage Team.