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350 Photoshop Tutorials | Best Photoshop Tutorials - StumbleUpon. Photoshop is what makes the virtual world seem alive. Its nothing less than a blessing for designers. The Internet is full of Photoshop Tutorials and you will find a tutorial on each and every tool. With that being said, we understand that these tutorials require time and effort to find so we’ve saved you both. How? Well, basically, we compiled a collection of easy to understand Photoshop tutorials that will aid you with just about every aspect of Photoshop and teach you the essentials of the software. It will require some time and practice but will be well worth it in the end.

Who knows, after going through these tutorials, you may end up being the next big thing in the world of Graphic Design. This article is divided in 14 Sections: Advertisement Tutorials for Beginners 5 Common Photoshop Myths Solved for Absolute Beginners In this post, author will provide 5 Simple, Yet Useful Photoshop “How-to”s for Absolute Beginners. How to Use and Create Brushes in Adobe Photoshop Text Tutorials Fire. Photoshop Tutorials 99: full face makeover with photoshop (video) Обработка портретной фотографии с частотным разложением | - Уроки и статьи о фотографии и обработке фото. В ретуши часто бывает необходимо поправить что-то одно, не затрагивая другого. Например, частая задача — убрать неровности кожи (кажущиеся или настоящие), оставив при этом её фактуру. На примере этого кадрика, сделанного, кстати, одним забавным фотоаппаратом, который я сейчас тестирую, я расскажу как это можно сделать.

Для получения результата я применю метод частотного разложения изображения. И разделю его на две составляющие — низкочастотный сигнал и высокочастотный. Сам метод частотного разложения подробно описан в статье Андрея Журавлёва. Более подробно об этом рассказывается на курсах Фотопроекта. Скачать PSD с примером. (49.56Mb) 1. 2. 3. Такой радиус выбран потому, что в него попадают средние неровности кожи. 4. 5.

Однако, Linear Light, в силу своей математики, усиливает высокочастотный слой High Pass в 2 раза. В то время как должно было бы быть так (включены только слои с исходным изображением): 6. Получается вот так: Вуаля! 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Тонкие настройки и картинка готова: Photoshop Red Eye Fix for Difficult Cases - People and Pets. Separating Complex Objects from Background | PhotoshopStar - StumbleUpon. Welcome to! If you find this site useful, you might want to subscribe to our free newsletter for updates on our new Photoshop Tutorials and Articles.

You can find a lot of tutorials how to separate complex objects from the background. But I would like to invite your attention to another one unique simple tutorial how to achieve the desired effect in just a few steps. I got this method by experimenting. In the beginning you should find some appropriate picture to work with. Apply Filter > Extract with similar settings to these: This is where we start to extract the image first of all zoom into the image with Zoom Tool so you can clearly see the outline and set the brush size to a suitable size and then simply draw around the outline of the woman’s hairstyle with Edge Highlighter Tool. After that create a new layer under and fill it with color of #aed2da. Now we can see that we have some defects on woman’s hair. Now, move to the next step. We are done on this step. Focus & Blur Background.

[CG Textures] - Textures for 3D, graphic design and Photoshop! 100 free textures for photo editing in Photoshop | Techniques | PhotoRadar - StumbleUpon. 27 Excellent Digital Photography Tutorials | Tutorials | PelFusion Design... - StumbleUpon. To improve and modify digital photographs is very interesting and a fun part. Lots of digital photography techniques and tutorials are available on internet, you can create same digital effect in different ways. The best technique to create effect is which take less steps. In this post i have listed 27 excellent digital photography tutorials to help you create different effects and manipulate your digital photographs.

I hope you will enjoy these tutorials and don’t forget to mention the tutorial which was an add on in your experience. 1. How To Create a Post Apocalyptic Photo Manipulation In this tutorial designer will show you how to create a post apocalyptic manipulation using adjustment layers, vector masks, and some special effects. 2. This tutorial uses a different method than either of CMYK curves adjustment layers. 3. In this tutorial designer will show you how to spice up a fairly dull and flat photograph. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.