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Ajoutez des vignettes ? votre th?me WordPress gr?ce ? TimThumb. Avec la mode des thèmes magazines on a vu également l’arrivée des vignettes, ou miniatures sur les blogs. Ca permet d’avoir un aperçu visuel de l’article. Depuis, même les thèmes plus “blog” tendent à les utiliser. Au cours de différents projets, j’ai eu l’occasion d’essayer différentes techniques pour afficher ces miniatures, et à chaque fois, avec plus ou moins de succès… Entre celles qui utilisent les images insérées dans les articles et celles qui utilisent les champs personnalisés, difficile de trouver une solution idéale.

Pourtant, il en est une que je réutilise, c’est TimThumb. TimThumb est un script développé dans le cadre du projet de Darren Hoyt pour Mimbo Pro. Celui-ci fonctionne avec les champs personnalisés. Prenons un exemple. Page d'accueil Mimbo Pro Page catégorie Mimbo Pro Alors, comment ça s’installe ? Tout d’abord, vous allez télécharger le script qui se trouve ici. Toujours dans ce dossier “scripts”, vous allez en créer un nouveau et l’appeler “cache”. 1. 2. 3.

WordPress Child Theme Basics. In this post you’ll learn all the basics of WordPress Child Themes: WordPress Child Theme file structure, how to make any WordPress Theme a blank framework, how to import Parent Theme CSS styles, how to override Parent Theme styles, and how to override Parent Theme Template files. You’ll also learn that all of this is incredibly easy and within your grasp and that it might just change how you think about WordPress and Theme development. Child Theme File Structure WordPress Child Themes are located in /wp-content/themes/ like any other WordPress Theme. They’re activated from the WordPress admin like any other theme. Except they don’t need theme files. The Comment Section In The Child Theme Stylesheet The key to understanding how WordPress Child Themes work lies in one single line of a basic WordPress theme style.css file. Here’s an example style sheet header from the WordPress Codex. We’ll be concerning ourselves with 1 particular line from the style sheet header.

What does this mean? Easy. Modifying the Mimbo Theme: Child theme tweaks part 1 - SidekickBlog. This article is part of an ongoing series where I share my experiences with modifying Recipe Mobile to use the Mimbo theme. You can see the related articles here . Introduction I apologize for the delay. I work on many project at the same time and though most of the updates to the new Recipe Mobile website are in place, I have not had a chance to publish details in this blog as I had said I would.

Anyway, here is a start. While the functionality of the Mimbo theme is great, I am not a fan of the greyish tones used in it by default. In this article, I will be focusing on the major areas, where changing the color completely changed the look of the theme. The website background The category bar background, and The lead story background. The below image is a snapshot of the Mimbo 3.0 theme demo.

How to change the website background color The original Mimbo theme has a drab grey background colour that might not suit many websites. How to change the category bar background color Conclusions. Exploring WordPress Frameworks and Child Themes. If you’ve been keeping up with Ian Stewart’s ThemeShaper blog this summer (if you haven’t, you should be looking deep within yourself to ask why not), you’ve seen loads of documentation for his WordPress framework, Thematic and the various child themes which inherit their power from Thematic’s mothership functionality.

Anyone who builds a quantity of WordPress sites throughout the year would be crazy to not already have their own baseline theme, much like anyone who re-uses the same dozen structural classes would be crazy not to deploy their own CSS framework for each project. Streamlining is a way of life when you’re charging by the hour. But Thematic is more than just the groundwork.

It’s also a handy way to keep the core theme functions isolated from from the child theme styling so they are easily updated with no damage to the site. It also offers a dozen options for widgetized regions, plus a library of custom hooks and filters. Why does this interest me? Parent/Child Themes in WordPress: The Future of WordPress Themes. WordPress 2.7 now features parent/child WordPress Themes, a new feature that protects installed WordPress Themes while allowing customization. Customizations are storied in the “child” Theme, which loads first. If a Child Theme isn’t detected, WordPress loads the “parent” Theme. If you do not intend on making any customization to your WordPress Theme on your WordPress blog, then this issue isn’t for you. If you are planning on designing your own Theme for your own use, then this also doesn’t pertain to you. However, if you are using a WordPress Theme that you want to customize and not lose the customization features when the Theme upgrades, then this is information you need to know.

If you are designing WordPress Themes for the public, you need to understand how WordPress Child Themes work. Creating a strong parent WordPress Theme framework is critical for WordPress Theme development, as described in Why I Created a WordPress Theme Framework by Justin Tadlock. Subscribe Via Feedburner.


5 WordPress 3.0 Ready Themes. Posted on 21 July, 2010 By Kim Woodbridge Most themes will work with WordPress 3.0 but are not designed to take advantage of the new features such as menus and multi-user. The code will need to be added to your current theme. Many paid and premium themes have released updates for their users that contain the code for the new features. Here are 5 free themes that are WordPress 3.0 ready. A couple of them are variations on the new default theme, Twenty Ten. Chunky Tech 9 Twist of Ten wp3theme The Morning After Have you installed WordPress 3.0? Keep Reading: Did you enjoy this article? Design gratuit ou presque. Le design peut (et doit ) être gratuit (ne serait-ce que vu le prix de réalisation d’un design par rapport au prix de création et d’optimisation d ‘un blog).

Quand on parle ici de “design”, on parle de la création graphique. A moins qu’on soit dans le cas d’un site web particulièrement concerné par son design (galerie d’art, de bijoux ou anim flash) l’important est le contenu (regardez Google) et la facilité avec laquelle en moins de 5 secondes, le quidam doit comprendre de quoi il s’agit sur cette page web. Vous connaissez déjà via le petit lien sur la gauche de ce blog, les designs “pas cher” déjà découpés. Quelques autres sources (dont certaines ont été déjà données, 1000 excuses pour la répétition) de sites proposant des designs pour blogs (et sites) à 0, oui 0 euros : Attention, la découpe du design n’est pas forcément fournie et il faudra la faire … donc parfois, les propositions de design système templatemaster est avantageux Commentaires sur: Design gratuit ou presque.