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Activities. Biblioteek - Die Voortrekkers. California Academy of Sciences Review for Teachers. Child Development: Ages and Stages - CHOC Children's. Understanding your child’s changing growth and development milestones is an important part of parenting. As infants and children progress through a series of growth stages, they may encounter common physical or emotional challenges. The pediatric experts at CHOC created a series of guides by age and stage, so you can better understand what your child is going through and spot any issues along the way. Growth and development includes not only the physical changes that occur from infancy to adolescence, but also some of the changes in emotions, personality, behavior, thinking and speech that children develop as they begin to understand and interact with the world around them.

Skills such as taking a first step or smiling for the first time are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act and move. All children develop at their own pace, but these milestones give you a general idea of the changes to expect as your child grows. No. Circle of Life Rediscovery - Welcome to Circle of Life Rediscovery CIC. Earth School - An Immersive 30 Day Nature Adventure. Earthwalks: Using Our Senses to Deepen our Feelings for the Earth — EID Coaching. One thing I learned from leading hundreds of Earthwalks is that it takes time and practice to “get it right.” One graduate student I worked with mentioned how she dreaded leading Earthwalks with students or adults. But after a few weeks of getting all the preparation, organization, and pace in place, she could focus on the natural world, easily make sure everyone participated, and establish a well-connected flow with the activities.

Then Earthwalks became her favorite experience during the Earthkeepers program because she could improve her relationship with the earth, share some amazing discoveries with individuals, and enjoy seeing others made connections to the earth and its life. When planning your Earthwalk, and seasonally thereafter, let the land show you what it has to offer in the way of Joy, Kinship, Reverence and Love. You will not be disappointed. Conductor’s Notes Every measure in a piece of music has something to offer and something to say. Education | Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Environment Archives - SIMA CLASSROOM. Environmental Awareness for Kids: Activities for Teachers.

Activity 1: Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Take your class out into the playground, playing field or local park and get them to locate various environmental sights. Who can collect 5 different leaves? Who can spot the biggest tree? How many ladybirds can they see? A scavenger hunt will get children thinking about the world around them and encourage them to pay attention to the different plants and beasts that live on their doorstep. Activity 2: Minibeast Safari This game is fun for younger KS1 children; head to the park or school playground and see how many different insects you can spot.

For older KS2 children, give them a list of insects and get them tick when they’ve spotted one and write down where they saw it. Activity 3: Make a Rain Gauge A perfect science-based activity for KS2 children to teach them about rainfall and weather. You could even conduct the experiment in different seasons to see how the rainfall changes over the course of a year. Activity 4: Make a Leaf Collage Need a Course? Environmental Education Activities & Resources. Evaluation Research Programme. Evaluation Research Programme Since Rob O’Donoghue’s 1986 paper entitled “Environmental education and evaluation: An eleventh hour reconciliation”, we have been exploring the relationship between environment, learning and evaluation.

This accompanied an early probing of research methodology appropriate for environmental education contexts (Rosenberg, 1995) and its extension in recent years with social theory and a realist under-labouring (Lotz-Sisitka, Schudel, Olvitt, et al.). At the heart of our evaluation research programme is a desire to support learning, and to limit the use of extractive evaluation methods that are more intimidating than helpful in shaping better educational practice and environmental learning outcomes and impacts. This practical and intellectual quest quickly takes us to a discussion on objectivity and whose insights counts, what knowledge is valid, and how best to produce it in contexts characterized by long lags in open, complex systems. Free Environmental Science Lesson Plans. Check out the first four units—Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3—by clicking on a cover to the right.

Whether you are a classroom teacher, an administrator, or a homeschooler, you can register to gain free access to all of the Think Earth materials. The complete Think Earth Curriculum—nine units from preschool to middle-school—has been used since the 1990s to teach students about the importance of a clean, healthy environment and about what they can do to: conserve natural resourcesreduce wasteminimize pollution These comprehensive, award—winning environmental science lesson plans have been printed for many years and distributed to more than 60,000 teachers and environmental educators nationwide. Be sure to connect with Think Earth on Facebook and Twitter for current announcements! Teachers Love Think Earth Teachers have been teaching Think Earth for years, and they love it because: 1. 2. Each unit requires only a week of daily lessons. " 3. Think Earth is Unique Funding Partners.

Free State Biodiversity Education Programme | SANBI. Developing Indigenous gardens in schools is a way of extending the classroom to the outside where you can utilise the garden as a learning resource. This programme is also aimed at raising awareness and creating environmental responsibility at schools. This programme aims to establish indigenous, water-wise gardens at schools. It also teaches the learners and teachers basic horticultural skills through a series of workshops. Up to date 57 school gardens have been developed around the Free State through this programme. Due to a lack of funding we are currently only greening one school. Current horticultural workshops: why indigenous? The establishment of indigenous gardens The selected schools stay on the programme for a minimum of three years with each year having the following focus areas: Year 1 – Each school establishes a Green Team to champion the project. . – The outreach Greening Programme provides the compost, plants, mulch and a toolkit of gardening equipment to each school.

Year 2 Year 3. Green Schools Initiative : Curriculum: California's Education and Environment Initiative. Curriculum: California's Education and Environment Initiative *******UPDATE (4/7/11): Revisions to the 85 K-12 EEI Curriculum units are complete! All units are now available for free download. Visit CREEC Coordinators throughout California are working with CalEPA to identify interested districts and provide professional development to best implement the curriculum. Contact Bay Area CREEC Coordinator Laura Powell for more information: (707)) 665-5959; ******* Ready to inspire your students' green dreams? Get started with California's landmark Education and Environment Initiative (EEI) curriculum to introduce ecological principles to students.

California is currently poised to lead the nation in environmental literacy with the Education and Environment Initiative (EEI). The K-12 curriculum includes 85 units teaching select Science and History-Social Science academic standards. Home. Home - California Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI) Human Impacts on the Environment | National Geographic Society. Moodle. What parts of Africa are African bullfrogs found? African bullfrogs are found mostly in open grasslands at low elevations in the sub-Saharan African countries of Malawi, Zambia, Nigeria, Somalia, Mozambique, Angola, South Africa (except for the southwestern Cape Province), Kenya, Rhodesia, Tanzania and the Sudan. What type of habitat do African bullfrogs prefer? African bullfrogs are one of the most adaptable amphibians on earth, capable of tolerating some of Africa’s harshest environments.

Certain areas of their range can be completely dry for years at a time, and can reach surface temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as temperatures that can drop to below freezing during the winter. Protected in an underground estivation chamber, these bullfrogs wait it out until more suitable conditions occur. What do African bullfrogs eat? African bullfrogs are carnivorous and will consume nearly any animal that can be overpowered and can fit in their huge mouths. References: Nature connectedness and noticing nature: Key components of a good life. | Finding Nature. For the past six months or so we’ve been working with the National Trust exploring how being connected with nature relates to pro-nature behaviours and wellbeing. In particular we were interested to see how much everyday moments, simply tuning into notice nature, mattered.

The full report has been published as part of the National Trust’s 125thAnniversary activities. One of our successful interventions to improve nature connectedness for wellbeing involves simply noticing the good things in nature. We know a close connection with nature comes from tuning into nature. What does that mean? It’s simple. A YouGov survey of 2096 adults was used to explore how the factors below related to pro-nature conservation behaviours and wellbeing: Some of these factors worked together to explain 70% of the variation in people’s pro-nature conservation behaviours.

In particular, we identified seven significant ‘noticing nature’ activities that are significantly linked to nature conservation behaviours. Plant defences. The Veld & Flora centrefold factsheet, Plants fight back, in the September 2014 issue covers the topics Plant defences, Chemical warfare, Mechanical defences and Can plant raise the alarm? By Prof Eugene Moll. Herbivores depend on plants for food and have co-evolved mechanisms to obtain this food despite the evolution of a diverse arsenal of plant defences against herbivory.

Herbivores adapt to plant defences to improve their chances of feeding on the plants. Plants, on the other hand, protect themselves by limiting the ability of herbivores to eat them. Or do they? Links to the Curriculum For Grade 12, Term 3, Strand 2: LIFE PROCESSES IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS, section: Responding to the environment: plants includes Plan to the environment: plants includes Plant defence mechanisms: chemicals, thorns etc. Publications - EEASA. Disseminating information regarding environmental education is one of the 5 constitutional objectives of EEASA. Publications play a key role in achieving this objective. Journal: The Southern African Journal of Environmental Education (SAJEE) is a forum for the publication of research papers, book reviews, comments and critiques of an academic nature. SAJEE goes digital. Please see below.Bulletin: The Environmental Education Bulletin includes information articles, news snippets, regular updates, letters, reviews of new resources and creative contributions.

Members are encouraged to contribute to the Bulletin in a language of their choice.Monograph: The EEASA Monographs are occasional publications that deal with specific topics. To date four monographs have been produced, on Evaluation in Environmental Education; Projects in Water Quality Monitoring; Indigenous Knowledge; Environmental Education, Ethics and Action, and Learning in a changing World.

Enquiries. Resources. Resources - Sustainability Starts with Teachers. Results. Rethinking environmental education. Climate change should be taught in schools. That is the opinion of three quarters of respondents to a recent YouGov poll. This data certainly suggests that a majority of the UK population now considers the issue of climate change significant enough to warrant inclusion in the body of prized knowledge that constitutes the National Curriculum.

Perhaps it also says something about the role that education can play in helping our young people engage with pressing environmental issues. Representation While all this may be encouraging, there is one thing this data does not tell us. And that is what young people themselves think about the role that climate change – and other issues of sustainability – should play in their own education. The YouGov poll reflects only the opinion of UK adults – the attitudes of those under the age of 18 are not represented in the data. School strikes Holistic perspective Yet we know that the causes and effects of climate change are complex and far-reaching.

Distinctive. Science Units - California Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI) Share-Net Resources – Learning Through Nature. People, Places and Publications for Environmental Education LEARNING THROUGH NATURE has been granted the opportunity to place a number of the Share-Net learning resources on this website. Share-Net was once a section of the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA). Share-Net was an innovative South African-based, informal networking project that supported environmental education through the provision of resource materials. Over the years many people contributed to the development of the library of learning resources. Share-Net produced low-cost teaching and learning support materials that were used by teachers across southern Africa. In order to uphold tradition, all the resources are copyright free for educational purposes. Remaining hard copies of Share-Net resources have been stored and are available by e-mailing

Sourcebook_iee - Teaching Materials for Elementary and Middle - Project Learning Tree. ReK-8 Guide Ninety-six multi-disciplinary activities can be found inside PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide – each one tailored to specific grade levels and learning objectives. Each activity is filled with opportunities to build critical thinking skills, incorporate technology, and use differentiated instruction.

To receive the PreK-8 Guide, attend a Project Learning Tree professional development workshop in your state or sign up for an online course that can be completed in your own time, wherever you are. K-Grade 2: E-Unit – Treemendous Science! PLT’s Treemendous Science! Grades 3-5: E-Unit – Energy in Ecosystems With PLT’s Energy in Ecosystems e-unit students focus on forests (one of the largest and most complex types of ecosystems) and come to understand some of the interactions present in all ecosystems. Grades 6-8: E-Unit – Carbon & Climate Teaching with i-Tree Download Teaching with i-Tree. Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers Learn more and get the guide!

This UN book club is teaching children about the Sustainable Development Goals. “Sometimes when you're surrounded by dirt, CJ, you're a better witness for what's beautiful. " So CJ’s grandmother tells him, as they journey across town after church in Matt de la Peña and Christian Robinson’s picture book, Last Stop on Market Street. Little CJ is reluctant to take the bus (“Nana, how come we don’t got a car?”) And even less keen to go to the soup kitchen. But with Nana’s wise words and the gentle guitar playing on the bus echoing in his thoughts, he begins to see the world in a different way and realize the riches he already has.

It’s fitting, then, that the story was chosen earlier this year as one of the first for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Book Club. The aim? To introduce children between the ages of six and 12 to the ways the UN wants to transform the world - and make sure no one is left behind - by 2030. Here are five more books that can teach children how we can all try to live more sustainably, connected with the first five SDGs. Transform Our World: The Global Goals | Participate. Water Temperature - Environmental Measurement Systems.