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Google. Top 10 Twitter Hash Tags To Follow For Education Technology. Twitter can be a fantastic resource for educators, particularly for those looking to pick up the latest tips and tricks on using technology in education. But it can also be a confusing and overwhelming mass of information, which is difficult to navigate and can be frustrating if you are looking for particular information within the masses of tweets. The fantastic response to last week’s article on the ‘Top 10 Twitter Accounts to Follow for Education Technology’ proved that busy educators are keen to be guided straight to the best available information on Twitter; so here are 10 great hash tags to follow for a wealth of education technology information straight to your tweet feed!

#edtech The primary hash tag for all things education technology, this yields thousands of fantastic tweets per hour, with typical content including cutting edge resources and great blogs and advice from seasoned experts on how to include new technology in your classroom. #elearning #mlearning #web20 #flipclass #k12. Gmail: Email from Google. Tac Bizzy - Tac' Bizzy (tacbiz) sur Twitter. YouTube.