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Payment) Rumors 1: The Truth. This new series will focus on some of the rumors that have been swirling around the web about Bubblews. I am not an expert on Bubblesws, nor am I an admin, but I have learned quite a bit since I've been here. How? By reading this site, the rules, the terms and trying to stay updated by reading and being connected to &Arvind and &BubblewsSupport1 One rumor that I heard this week, while on another site having a discussion about &Bubblews was that it is and I quote a "non paying site they only pay for selected members.

" Now, I do NOT believe this to be true nor has this been my experience. I have received all of my payments, thus far. Now, with that said, when I first joined, all I did was read, read and read some more while trying to figure out the questions that I had. During my early days, Bubblews became quite volatile because they were changing servers. So no matter, where you are on your Bubblews journey, I invite you to, "Keep at it! " New Here, Visiting? Payment) Rumors 1: The Truth. (More) tips for writing well (Austin Govella at Thinking and Making) Published Wed, Jul 8, 2009 by Austin Govella. Updated Wed, Jul 8, 2009. As an editor, I’ve noticed several recurring bad habits you heathens would do well to disabuse yourselves of immediately. Almost without exception, these bad habits instantiate themselves as a series of stock phrases and constructions that reflect a lack of focus, a lack of fully developed argument, or the kind of intellectual laziness that sets in as you slog through your first draft.

These things happen, That’s ok. Editing helps you save yourselves from these offenses before your thoughts hit the world and everyone knows your dirty secrets. but you can edit yourself, and you should. Use the following checklist as a guide to tightening up both your words as well as and what you mean. 16 things to check when you edit Be vicious when you edit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. After you edit… The finished piece should be so tight, terse, concise, and clear that it’s boring. Boring. Write like you talk. Five Things that Guys Love about You – Do you know what they are? I have been married to my husband for twenty years and was wondering if there were five things that he loved about me. So tonight I thought it would be fun to find out because I thought it would let me know if we were drifting apart or if we still had that spark.

My husband was not happy about answering the questions. He responded by saying; “great now the pressure is on and I better say the right thing.” I gave him a piece of paper and a pen and said write five things that you love about me. It took my husband 45 minutes to write the 5 secret things that he liked about me and when he was done I was really surprised to learn what my guy loves about me. 1. What are the 5 secret things that you guy love about you? *** Other relationship posts by Sgolis that you may like: Finding your life partner: Tips for communicating with husband – Do you speak his language? Planning Weekly Date Night for Partner: Attribution: Synonym Finder » Find synonyms, antonyms & definition for (almost) any word. A Challenge About Me!

Oh oh! I love these kind of things! :) I saw this going around by &chrisandmark &gillygirl and &tammy85 . Maybe others have done it as well? I just haven't seen it yet! :P Figured I'd just in, with these questions! 1. I was born in Potton, Quebec, Canada. 2. I'am in a 'same sex' relationship with Beka. 3. No I don't. 4. This is a hard question. 5. Chicken Fajitas! 6. I have a few favorites. 7. Anything reality. Well, there is my answers. Thanks for the idea. Morning Grace. Rhyme-Time Top This! kcmaice. Nautical Phrases. This was not at all what I expected to write about, but nautical phrases was my captcha so here goes. I live in a community which celebrates it's marine heritage evey year with a festival "Canal Days". The first line that came to mind was, Ahoy, mateys! Somehow I think I need to do a little better than that. The first phrase that applies today cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass not naughty talk, it was a brass ring that the cannonballs rested on.

Other phrases with nautical origins we are all familiar with are; three sheets to the wind, not to mention broad at the beam, close quarters, hand over fist. We are all familiar with the phrases: walk the plank and high and dry. When I researched just a little I was surprised at how many sayings we use daily have nautical origins. We'll hope your day is plain sailing, and I challenge you to use a nautical phrase in your post. Photo Credit: morleyhunt a tall ship in Lake Ontario at Kingston, ON. 80 Journal Writing Prompts.