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Scripture & History | Worship Leader Magazine. A few years ago, I attended a lecture by N.T. Wright at Fuller. The event exuded the electric excitement of a rock concert. A long line snaked around the venue, growing by the second: a multigenerational crowd, most in their early to mid-twenties. When we finally squeezed in to the too small hall of a very big church, it was standing room only. Wright took the podium and as he opened his laptop, like a conductor raising a baton, respectful silence fell instantly on the buzzing sanctuary. Who is this theologian, who inspires fan-like allegiance, stirs controversy, directs our attention across the narrative of history, and passionately exhorts us again and again, in an amazingly prolific stream of books and lectures to not simply read, but take our place in the story?

WL: Since this issue is really about the pastoral artist and your recently released How God Became King: The forgotten story of the Gospel,” how does seeing Jesus as King impact the way we live and worship? N.T. N.T. N.T. Watts: THE PSALMS OF DAVID, Introduction. Luke xxiv, 44. All things must be fulfilled which were written in -- the Psalms concerning me. Heb. xi. 32. -- David, Samuel, and the Prophets. Ver. 40. -- that they without us should not be made perfect. Printer for J. Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry; R. An Enquiry into the right Way of fitting the Book of Psalms for Christian Worship. THO' the Psalms of David are a Work of admirable and divine Composure, tho' they contain the noblest Sentiments of Piety, and breathe a most exalted Spirit of Devotion, yet when the best of Christians attempt to sing many of them in our common Translations, that Spirit of Devotion vanishes and is lost, the Psalm dies upon their lips, and they feel scarce any thing of the holy Pleasure.

IF this Attempt of mine, thro' the divine Blessing, become so happy as to remove this great Inconvenience, and to introduce warm Devotion into this Part of divine Worship, I shall esteem it an honorable Service done to the Church of Christ. I confess Mr. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. As You Go – The Evolution of a Song | Worship Matters. Here’s our latest video from The Gathering: Live from WorshipGod11.

As You Go was written by Mark Altrogge, who has been writing songs for Sovereign Grace Music since the early 1980s. That’s a long time. It amazes me how he continues to write such theologically rich, relevant, singable songs. What you may not know is that even with the decades of experience Mark has, he is one of the easiest people to work with when it comes to suggesting changes to his songs.

Rather than giving you a detailed explanation of why he wrote what he did, or sharing 5 reasons why no alternative could possibly be better, he typically gets back in less than 24 hours with 2 or 3 alternatives. Mark originally called this song Now As You Go, and it was intended to fill the benediction slot on The Gathering. . : We liked it, but it was a little more reflective than what we were looking for.

I love what this song expresses. Hitting Those High Notes. By John Henny | Posted Dec. 28, 2011, 4:46 p.m. It is no secret that one of the most difficult aspects of singing is hitting the high notes. Good or bad, these notes will usually bring the singer the most attention. Here are my favorite tips for getting those high notes good and solid. Stop Yelling Singing higher is rarely accomplished by brute force, but this is often the singer's first instinct. Lighten Up To avoid yelling, the singer should access the upper register with a very light vocal mechanism.

Don't Force the Breath If the coordination of the upper register is weak, excess air will usually cause more problems. Narrow Down The root problem of high notes is often found slightly lower, in the area many singers refer to as "the break. " Use closed vowel sounds such as "oo" or "ee" when singing higher scales. Semi-Occluded Sounds Most singers are familiar with those silly-sounding vocal exercises that have you bubble your lips or trill your tongue while doing a scale.

Consonants Are Good. 5 of The Best Virtual Piano Keyboards. Only a few decades ago Casio Keyboards were very popular and the history has repeated itself but this time in a more significant and prodigious way. Virtual Piano Keyboard has become renowned for its easy accessibility, bundle of features and perhaps available free of cost being its strongest forte. However, these Virtual keyboards can never be thought of as replacement to professional instrument. There are two types of Virtual keyboard one can get around on a PC. There are the online One’s and the Offline one’s which are available as Applications and have many more features than online versions.

While online Virtual Piano keyboards do not have many things to offer on the other hand the application version is a long shot which almost makes them equal. Online Virtual Piano Keyboard 1. This Online Virtual keyboard is brought to you by BGFL and offers different keyboard modes: Piano, organ, saxophone, flute, pan pines, strings, guitar, steel drums and double bass. 2. 4. 5. Ricci Adams'

Remembering Memory. I remember several years ago as a very young pastor making an aside during my sermon to talk about old hymns. Anyone who knows me knows that I love hymns and never want to disparage the good ones. But in this particular aside I was warning the older folks in the congregation against loving all the memories associated with their beloved hymns more than the actual words of the hymn itself. I was trying to make the point that it’s possible you love What a Friend We Have in Jesus because you sang it around the piano growing up, or because it takes you back fifty years to when you were first married, without really fixing your heart on Jesus during the song. A kind and delightfully feisty old lady came through the line after the service and smiled at me in a slightly disgruntled sort of way: “You know what you said about those hymns? Someday you’ll understand.” I imagine she thought I was being too simplistic about the important role memory plays for our faith.

She was right. IK Multimedia's VocaLive comes to the iPad. Tascam introduces Portastudio, 4-track recording on your iPad. Tascam debuts iM2 stereo condesor mic for iPhone. Around this time last year, Tascam introduced the Portastudio app, a 4-track recorder modeled after the legendary Portastudio 144 4-track recorder of some 30 years ago. Now, Tascam has debuted the iM2, a stereo recorder with two condenser mics and a built-in pre-amp that's based on Tascam's well known DR series of portable recorders. The iM2 simply plugs directly into the dock connector of your iPhone or iPad, overriding your devices built-in mic to provide you with high quality recordings. The two mics are adjustable over 180 degrees for uni-directional recording, perfect for capturing a live recording as well as the ambience of the room you're recording in. The iM2's built-in preamp can also handle 125 dbs of noise, so you could theoretically record a jet plane taking off without having to worry about any distortion to the recording, even if your own ears may suffer.

The iM2 is priced at around US$80 and is available for pre-order. For all the details, check out Tascam's website. Though God Slay Me---Jack Coe. Kickstarter Video. 6 Ways To Use An iPad2 In Worship (Community The Worship) | PraiseCharts. I announced a while back that I’d finally taken the plunge to purchase an iPad2 . I confessed that it was much more of a luxury item than a necessity. Now that I’ve used it for a couple of months, I’ve realized just how much I’ve missed by not having it sooner. Here are 6 ways that I’ve used the iPad2 in the context of corporate worship and my job as a worship pastor. 1. 3. 4. 5. In our studio, I’ve toggled back and forth between the iTunes Remote and ProRemote to create loops,click tracks, and full arrangements of songs. 6. This is a short-list of the way I’ve benefited from using the iPad2.

Let the fun begin! International House of Prayer, a Ministry Growing Into a Movement. Founded 12 years ago by Mike Bickle, a self-trained evangelical pastor, with a group of 20, the International House of Prayer, in a former strip mall, now draws tens of thousands of worshipers to its revival meetings. A wholly devoted cadre of 1,000 staff members, labeled missionaries, have given up careers to move here, living off donations and spending several hours a day in the prayer hall to revel in what they describe as direct communication with God.

Another thousand students attend the adjacent Bible college, preparing to spread this fervent brand of Christianity. The well-populated prayer room and the devout community growing up around it are at the epicenter of a little known but expanding national network: dozens of groups that are stressing perpetual prayer in a way seldom seen in modern America, said Marcus Yoars, the editor of Charisma, an evangelical magazine. Mr. The ministry has also drawn fire for helping Gov. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Music Theory & Ear Training: Relative Pitch and Perfect Pitch Free Software. Perfect Pitch Ear Training SuperCourse: Name Notes & Chords by EAR. Kansas City Christian Church Has Been Praying, Worshipping 24/7 For More Than 12 Years | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze. There are about 300,000 Protestant churches in America. While each is surely unique, most of them probably have worship services on Sundays (and, perhaps at one or two other mornings or evenings during the week).

But, one church — Kansas City, Missouri’s International House of Prayer (IHOP) — has been in an ongoing prayer and worship service 24 hours per day, seven days per week since 1999. Literally. A live feed of the never-ending service can be found here. IHOP explains its service breakdown as follows: There are two basic worship and prayer formats. Below, Mike Bickle explains the cost — more than $100,000 per month — to run the technology associated with the movement: The New York Times recently profiled the church, which was founded 12 years ago by Mike Bickle, a self-trained evangelical pastor. The staff and students here are required to spend at least 25 hours a week in the prayer room, and they also engage in weekly fasts of a day or more.

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Music Recording

SoundTracking Sets Out To Share Your Music Moments In A Postcard-Like Manner. Twitter allows you to share a short message at any given time. Foursquare allows you to share your location at any given time. Instagram allows you to share your photos at any given time. IntoNow allows you to share what you’re watching on television at any given time. The list goes on. The idea for SoundTracking came about when founder Steve Jang realized that you could easily share all of these other bits of information easily via your phone, but not the music you were listening to at the moment you were listening to it.

And this music moment is about more than just the music. But he’s right. To share a song, you simply fire up the app and do one of three things. If you share a picture with the music, that will be the background of your share. But none of that means much unless the people on the other end of your share can hear what you hear. No, you don’t get the full song experience. Obviously, all of the other standard social keys are in play here. "The Rise and Fall of the Bible": Rethinking the Good Book - Laura Miller.

Recently I found myself explaining to a group of surprised friends from Protestant and secular backgrounds that, despite being educated in the Catholic faith up to the sacrament of confirmation at age 14, I didn’t read the Old Testament until I was assigned it in a college literature course. Traditionally, the Catholic Church did not encourage its congregation to read the Bible; we had the priests to explain it to us. In fact, the church once took such a dim view of the idea that, in 1536, the English reformer William Tyndale was tried for heresy, strangled and burned at the stake, largely for translating the Bible into English for a lay readership. Tyndale House, a major American Christian publisher, is named after him. Though I’m no longer a believer, and in principle I support the notion of adherents to a religion familiarizing themselves with its scriptures, it sometimes seems like the old Vatican had a point.

FindAClass. Guitar Pro Tabs With Online Player | Songsterr Guitar Tabs. Smule Makes More Magic: Magic Piano Fans, Meet Magic Fiddle. If you’ve read any of my previous stuff on Smule, it probably goes without saying: I’m a bit of a Smule fanboy. I can’t help it. They started making cool stuff for iOS way back in 2008, and haven’t stopped since.

Sonic Lighter. Ocarina. Following up on the launch of Magic Piano for iPad back in April, Smule is about to debut a spiritual successor (of sorts): Magic Fiddle. Though the name may imply otherwise, Magic Fiddle really shares more with Ocarina and Leaf Trombone than it does with the titularly simular Magic Piano. The easiest way to explain the gameplay would be through a rather obvious comparison: Magic Fiddle is essentially Guitar Hero, on an iPad, with a fiddle. The way Smule introduces the user to Magic Fiddle is sort of.. well, magic. In Storybook mode, your fiddle teaches you the mechanics of the game while sneaking in some music education. I’ve only had Magic Fiddle for a few hours — but so far, so good. Ready to get to fiddlin’? More U.S. students taking ‘gap year’ break - Travel - Travel Tips. With long days of AP classes, evenings and weekends overloaded with homework and extracurricular activities, endless studying for SATs and ACTs, filling out college applications and writing the dreaded college essays, it's high-stress time for many high school seniors.

“I’ve only seen the high stakes of college increase pressure in families,” said Fred Kaelin, executive director of Dynamy Internship Year, a U.S. -based residential gap year program. “The idea of any kind of pause almost doesn’t even dawn on people.” Taking a gap year — time off between high school and college — is designed to be a break from academics before college, for personal growth, travel, or to participate in community service or internships. It is common in a number of European countries and Australia. Experts say no one tracks the exact numbers of American students taking gap years, but most agree the trend is steadily growing in popularity. But getting interest from high schools wasn’t always easy. Most popular. Home | Welcome - Kim Gentes - worship leader and writer.