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WordPress Themes, HTML Templates. Create Your Own WordPress Theme from an HTML Template. WordPress has become the most widely used blogging platform in the world, estimated to be used on a quarter of a billion websites online today. WordPress works as a blog, but also as a straightforward content management system, ready to use with search-engine-friendly URLs and fully valid HTML and CSS.With so many sites using WordPress and only about 1,200 themes listed on, there are inevitably lots of sites looking exactly the same.

You and your clients need to stand out, or end up being branded as “just another WordPress blog.”In this article, I’ll show you how to take an existing HTML and CSS site template and convert it into a theme for WordPress. Of course, WordPress theming is much too vast a topic to cover entirely in a single article, so I’ll provide you with some resources at the end to further your learning. How to Install a WordPress Child Theme. With so many frameworks like Genesis, Headway, and others, developers are now releasing more free/paid child themes rather than stand alone themes.

How to Install a WordPress Child Theme

A WordPress child theme functions as a “skin” of a framework also called the parent theme. The child theme inherits the functionality of the parent theme, and allows the developer to pick and choose between tons of functionality that the parent theme has to offer. Mystique « Digital Nature. 100 Awesome Professional Free WordPress Themes for 2011. SmartOne. FREE Premium WordPress Themes. [WordPress] Roots, un thème racine pour développer rapidement ses thèmes. Développer un thème pour WordPress est un travail relativement long.

[WordPress] Roots, un thème racine pour développer rapidement ses thèmes

Le nombre de templates de base est important et les fonctions nombreuses. Sans compter qu’il faut veiller à respecter les bonnes pratiques. Roots est un thème racine pour WordPress fait pour les développeurs. Il est basé sur les frameworks HTML5 Boilerplate (2.0), Buleprint CSS (ou 960 Grid System) et Starkers, ce qui permet de construire très rapidement des thèmes solides. De base, le thème est compatible avec le microformat hNews (au moins les templates single.php et les loop.php). De plus, Roots propose un grand nettoyage des fonctionnalités inutiles qui se sont accumulées au fil des années dans WordPress (je pense particulièrement à la fonction wp_head()).

Petit plus non négligeable, les urls sont simplifiées; ainsi, /wp-content/themes/roots/css/ devient /css/ par exemple. Bref que du bon. WooThemes offre son 100e thème premium à télécharger.


Portfolio. Magazine. Classic. Wordpress : deux nouveaux designs gratuits pour votre site immobilier. Vous connaissez peut-être le système de gestion de contenu (Content Managment System en anglais) WordPress.

Wordpress : deux nouveaux designs gratuits pour votre site immobilier

Ce CMS offre une solution gratuite et efficace pour créer et gérer un site / blog internet. Le site Magazine Immobilier vous propose ici deux designs / templates gratuits pour créer votre propre site immobilier ! Les designs / templates présentés ci-dessous sont entièrement traduits en français. Ils vous offrent la possibilité de créer en quelques clics un design adapté pour mettre en place votre propre site immobilier basé sur le CMS WordPress !

Un template adapté pour les sites d’annonces immobilières ! Voici un aperçu du premier thème / design que nous vous proposons ! Notes : Ce template conviendra particulièrement aux personnes qui souhaitent mettre en place un site d’annonces immobilières ! Téléchargement : template Annonces Immo. 10 Techniques for Customizing the WordPress Admin Panel. A while back, I wrote a guide on how to improve the WordPress Admin Panel as an exploration of how we can customize the user interface of WordPress for end-users.

10 Techniques for Customizing the WordPress Admin Panel

In this post, I’ll take you even further with some awesome tricks, techniques and snippets from my website, WP-Snippets. In the previous post, we removed a lot of clutter and things that we didn’t need. Now we’ll focus on things that happen behind the scene that can enhance the user experience. Before You Get Started If you don’t know what a filter or hook is, make sure to look at my previous post to learn about them. Most of the code we’ll cover will go in functions.php, so you have to create one in your theme folder if you don’t have one. Some of the code we’ll cover will be placed in wp-config.php, which is found in the root folder of your WordPress installation.

Let’s get started! The anatomy of a WordPress theme. Index.php – home The index file controls what the homepage of your WordPress theme looks like. By default it is a loop that queries and then displays the most recent blog posts, with a link in the bottom to view previous posts. Alternately, you can specify in wp-admin -> settings -> reading to have the home page be a page you created yourself in WordPress. In that case, you specify a different page/URL for the regular blog posts to appear on, and that page is generated by index.php. single.php – individual posts The display of individual posts in your WordPress theme is controlled by a little file called single.php.

You can specify if you want sidebars (and which you want), if you want it to look different than the other pages on the site. page.php – individual pages. MultimediaWP - WordPress Tumblog theme.