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Building Shop Projects

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722848 39e521e08c684da69d97d7f79a525e4a. POST data. Build a homemade horizontal router machine- (Part 1 of 2) Moxon Vise. Moxon Vise - includes: >>Two hard maple wood Moxon vise screws Total Length approx: 12"Hand grip approx.size: 2-3/8" diameter x 4" longThreaded section approx.size: 1-3/4" diameter x 7" long3-1/2 Threads Per Inch (TPI)Vise screws are ready for finish >> One hard maple front Moxon vise jaw.

Moxon Vise

Wooden Outfeed table for Sawstop Table Saw

Shaving Horse from 2X4's. Building A Stand For My Harbor Freight Scroll Saw #62519. New Yankee Workshop - Shop Projects - Make Deluxe Router Station. Master the Shooting Board. Building the tilting router lift. Roubo/Scandinavian Workbench - Part One. Multi Slot Mortiser / Horizontal Router. How to Make the Ultimate Clamp Rack for only $10.00! The Ultimate Clamp Rack.pdf. WoodCentral's Shop Shots. Longworth Chuck - by QuarterSawn. I wish I would have built one of these years ago.

Longworth Chuck - by QuarterSawn

It would have saved a ton of frustration and some seriously destroyed projects. On my second attempt, I think I mastered the Longworth Chuck. The first one was “okay”, but had some wobble that made it annoying and it just wasn’t true enough for precise work. 2X6 Andre Roubo Workbench. Building a Shaving Mule.