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Wit or humour in design

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Universal Wrapping Paper And Greeting Card For Any Occasion. Italian designers Fabio Milito and Francesca Guidotti have taken the concept of a word puzzle to create a universal wrapping paper and greeting card that is suitable for any occasion. According to them, the idea was born when they realized they couldn’t use any Christmas wrapping paper for other occasions—thus, they wanted to create something which could be used for any occasion. They chose a word puzzle concept because they claimed that word puzzles were always fun to do.

[via Wordless Design] Receive interesting stories like this one in your inbox. Minimalist movie posters. 30 Examples of Funny Ads for Inspiration. In many settings advertisements tend to be ignored or overlooked. When flipping through a magazine you probably skip past the ads unless something really catches your attention. The same thing applies when it comes to driving by billboards, browsing online, or interacting anywhere else where ads appear. One approach for ad designers to capture the attention and interest of viewers is to use humor. Most of us will stop and pay attention to ads if they grab our attention and make us laugh. In this post we’ll showcase 30 examples of advertisements that user humor to make an impact on viewers. Looking for hosting? I'm Comic Sans, Asshole. Comic Sans Criminal - Theres help available for people like you!