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Proxy Lists. Sorted by update time. List #1. Masquerading Your Browser. By Eric Giguere September 19, 2003 Updated October 28, 2004 See also this related tool: Eric's HTTP Header ViewerAnd this related article: How to Detect Internet Explorer When your browser requests a page from a Web server, the browser sends information about itself along with the request. Typically, this information includes the browser type (Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla, etc.), the browser version, and the underlying platform (Windows XP, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.). The server then uses this information to select an appropriate page format for the browser, since different browsers (and even different versions of the same browser) have varying incompatibilities in their support for HTML and JavaScript. Sometimes the server misinterprets or fails to recognize this information and sends you an incorrectly formatted page.

The User-Agent Header When a browser requests a page, it also sends a set of values to the server. The last four lines of this request are headers. The Google Web crawler. User Agent Switcher. Fiddler HTTP Debugger - A free web debugging tool.