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Applications (Navigation privée) Online Access (Navigation privée) The DBpedia data set can be accessed online via a SPARQL query endpoint and as Linked Data. 1. Querying DBpedia The DBpedia data set enables quite astonishing query answering possibilities against Wikipedia data. 1.1. Public SPARQL Endpoint There is a public SPARQL endpoint over the DBpedia data set at OpenLink Virtuoso as the back-end database engine. There is a list of all DBpedia data sets that are currently loaded into the SPARQL endpoint. You can ask queries against DBpedia using: the Leipzig query builder at the OpenLink Interactive SPARQL Query Builder (iSPARQL) at the SNORQL query explorer at (does not work with Internet Explorer); or any other SPARQL-aware client(s).

Fair Use Policy: Please read this post for information about restrictions on the public DBpedia endpoint. 1.2. There is a public Faceted Browser “search and find” user interface at 1.3. Here. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. : le plus grand catalogue de bibliothèques au monde. The Cyc Foundation (Navigation privée) We’re pleased to bring you an update on several recent activities related to OpenCyc and the Semantic Web. UMBELThe lightweight UMBEL ontology is finally live.

Mike Bergman and Fred Giasson deserve a big round of applause for the tremendous effort they’ve put into this release. They’ve meticulously selected 20,000 of the most relevant concepts from the more than 300,000 in the Cyc KB. What’s more, relationships between these concepts have been simplified to facilitate discovery of related concepts and alignment with external ontologies. One can use UMBEL to describe things, to help develop new ontologies and to put individuals in context. As an example of the first (from the UMBEL documentation), suppose you wanted to describe Muhammad Ali. Wikipedia and OpenCyc AlignmentWe collaborated with Olena Medelyan and Catherine Legg of the University of Waikato, New Zealand in their effort to automatically identify ontologically equivalent concepts in Cyc and Wikipedia.

RDF For The Rest Of Us (Navigation privée. The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Articles By Keith Alexander Published on July 30, 2007 You have a website full of information, and you want to make it easier for people to reuse it—but what format should you publish it in? You’ve looked at various XML schemas and microformats, but none of them really describes all the information that you want to publish. This is where RDF comes in. What is RDF? Stands for Resource Description Framework. Resource is simply a thing; a person, a book, a keyboard, a blog post, a fish tank, an idea: any thing that can be described. RDF for Web Publishers RDF is different. If you find a vocabulary that can be used to describe some part of your data, then great, that data can be interoperable; you still have the freedom to describe the rest of your data with terms from as many other vocabularies as you need.

For publishing your data, RDF offers you great flexibility and interoperability. Fantastic. RDF for Web Developers What is an RDF Triple? Pourquoi les ordinateurs n’arrivent-ils pas à concurrencer les P. A la découverte du Web sémantique (Navigation privée) Introduzione al Web Semantico: URI, XML, RDF, SPARQL, RDFS, OWL.