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Jqgrid: how to set toolbar options based on column value in row selected. Form_editing. JqGrid supports creating a form “on the fly” to view, add, edit, delete, or search grid data. A screenshot of an “Add Record” form is shown below: It's possible to use a combination of Modal Boxes and Inline Editing in your application. After all, Inline editing can only be used to edit an existing row and can't be used to search, delete, or add data. However, it's not recommended to use both Inline Editing and Modal Box Editing because one will interfere with the other when both select the same row. The methods listed in the table below are included in the navGrid (navigator method). Software Requirements & Installation To use this module, you should mark the Common, Form Editing and optional jqModal and jqDnR plugins when you download the grid.

Note For Developers - this is the grid.common.js, grid.formedit.js, jqModal.js and jqDnR.js in the src directory. Methods Methods used in form editing are a sub-set of those of the parent grid, and described below. SearchGrid editGridRow Where Events. Jqgrid | Learn JavaScript and PHP through courses, examples and tutorials. JqGrid Demo & Examples May 14th, 2012 — ASP.NET, Date Picker, DOM Manipulation, File Upload, form validation, jqgrid, plugins To download the entire package of demo files (.html, .css, .js, .php, .aspx) click here.

Let’s take a look at the jqGrid customizations in action. In this first example (download: jqgrid4e.html) you can see a first draft where I just packed this thing with multiple options. I loaded data via ajax as well as post-load record insertion from a local data array object. Click on a row and it switches to edit mode. If you click the plus sign in the pager footer the same auto-generated form pops up, but this time it’s blank. You’ll also notice that on the first load, after record #10, the manual array data is pushed into the client-side grid. If you’d like to step through the grid using Firebug or Chrome Developer click here. If you’d like to step through the grid using Firebug or Chrome Developer click here. May 10th, 2012 — ASP.NET, DOM Manipulation, jqgrid, plugins JS Files. JqGrid.php at Precurio Intranet Portal - Free PHP Code. Demonstration of the vertical headers. Untitled. Wiki:predefined_formatter.

Formatter supports advanced formatting of the contents of cells in form, in-line and cell editing. Formatter can be used in either of two ways: Predefined and Custom. In this section, we discuss the Predefined Formatter. jqGrid Module Requirements In order to use the formatting features, make sure you check the box for the Formatter module when you download jqGrid. For more information refer to Download jqGrid Language options Default language formatting options are defined in the language files e.g., grid.locale-xx (where xx is the two character code for your language, en for English).

That means that the Formatter options are loaded when the grid javascript files are loaded. The default Formatter options are different for each language file. Here are the default Formatter options for the English file: Here you will find all the settings that you may want to review or change before using the predefined formats. The second step is to set the desired formatting in colModel. Showlink Example. Wiki:retrieving_data. With the first release of jqGrid, the only possible way to obtain data was via XML as described in the tutorial above.

Later, many people requested the ability to obtain data via JSON, then with an array and finally with 'real' names. After lot of work and with the help of the community we now have a wide range of methods for obtaining data. The related options (in options array) for manipulating different types of data are: datatype: the possible options are xml json jsonp array xmlstring jsonstring script function (…) It is very important to read this chapter, in order to understand how you should work with the data! The default mapping for XML data is as follows: If your server can provide data in this structure, you need to do nothing more; but if not, there is a way (several ways) to handle the data you are given. The default mapping for JSON data is as follows: will cause jqGrid to search in the XML data for an 'amt' tag (when the repeatitems option is set to false. XML Data root element. Wiki:inline_editing. Inline editing is a quick way to update database information by making changes directly in the row of the grid, as seen in the image below: To use Inline Editing, users select a row with the mouse.

In response, jqGrid converts each editable field to a data entry cell, as seen in the Name and Price fields above. Cells that aren't editable, such as the ID field above, don't change appearance and remain read-only. Whether an individual column is editable or read-only is controlled by setting the attribute in the ColModel. When finished, users hit the “enter” key to send the data to the server. Software Requirement & Installation In order to use this functionality, make sure you put a check mark by the Inline Editing and Common modules when you downloaded jqGrid.

Note to Developers - Source code can be found in the grid.inlinedit.js file, located in the src directory. The methods used in inline editing are a sub-set of those of the parent grid. Methods editRow saveRow restoreRow addRow inlineNav. Wiki:jquery_ui_methods. Sortable Columns This method is integrated in jqGrid, so there it is not necessary to do something special. The method allow to reorder the grid columns using the mouse. The only necessary setting in this case is to set the sortable option in jqGrid to true. using our example this will look like this: Used jQuery UI widget(s) and other plugins jQuery UI core jQuery UI sortable widget.

Column Chooser With this method we can reorder columns and set visible and hidden columns in the grid. jQuery("#list").columnChooser(options); or using the new API jQuery("#list").jqGrid('columnChooser', options); where options is a object with properties listed below. In order to use this method the jQuery multiselect plugin should be loaded before jqGrid After calling this a modal dialog will appear where the user can reorder columns and set which of them can be visible and which of them can be hidden. Options Function done defined above has the following definition in the original jqGrid code: Sortable Rows Example. Wiki:show_hide_columns. Usually you can attach a click event to a button. You can use this method in navigator using the navButtonAdd method jQuery("#mybutton").click(function() { jQuery("#grid_id").setColumns(options); return false; }); Where: mybutton is the id of a button element (can be any other valid HTMl element) grid_id is the already constructed grid options is an array of name: value pairs, including any of the following: This method uses the following options from language file To prevent showing or hiding columns that the developer does not want to show at all, a new option has been added to colModel: hidedlg (default false).

Wiki:options. The setup and configuration of jqGrid are controlled by setting options for the grid. Examples of configuration settings include the height and width of the grid, type of data that should be in each column, and other similar settings. These options are set in the grid options array, and many of the options are set in name: value pairs, separated by commas. The array is given as an argument to the declaration of the jqGrid object.

The properties and options available are listed below in alphabetic order. Some have more details described in other pages of this wiki and a link to those pages is provided in those circumstances. Some properties cannot be changed after the grid is created; the last column of the table labelled Can be changed? Mentions if that particular property can or cannot be changed. Also, some properties are read-only, meaning they cannot be changed. The column Can be changed? The name of the main object in jqGrid is jQuery.jgrid or in short $.jgrid. Cutter's Crossing: Intro to jqGrid. While there are better choices (ExtJS for instance) for component and architecture libraries, some time ago someone entrenched our current system in JQuery and JQueryUI. But, since JQueryUI is already so prevelent within the system, it would be very time consuming to replace it.

JQueryUI isn't bad, by any means, just incomplete, from the standpoint of building "applications". "But, JQueryUI is the bomb! How can you say such things? " When writing "applications", there are several key components missing from JQueryUI (Trees, Menus, Charts, etc), but one of the most important is a robust Data Grid. JqGrid is a free and open source JQuery plugin for the dynamic representation of tabular data. First things first, you need some files. Script and Style Includes ColdFISH is developed by Jason Delmore. You can always combine and compress files as needed, but for this we'll show our stylesheets and scripts in their load order.

ColdFISH is developed by Jason Delmore. JqGridDemo.js - figure 1. JqGrid Dynamically loading select options. Scenario: You are using the jqGrid to edit rows that contain fields that are of HTML tag type "SELECT". Problem: You do not want to hard code the values of the select tag like in the jqGrid samples. For example: Solution: For example to load a list of countries dynamically, define the variable before the definition of the jqGrid: Now define your jqGrid: Important: The ajax call to retrieve the countries must be set to "async: false" otherwise you have a very good chance that the grid will be defined before the data is actually returned.

The format of the country object is a JSON object and looks like this: Share This Post: JqGrid - dynamically load different drop down values for different rows depending on another column value. As we all know the jqGrid examples in the demo and the Wiki always refer to static values for drop down boxes. This of course is a personal preference but in dynamic design these values should be populated from the database/xml file, etc, ideally JSON formatted. Can you do this in jqGrid, yes, but with some custom coding which we will briefly show below (refer to some of my other blog entries for a more detailed discussion on this topic).

What you CANNOT do in jqGrid, referring here up and to version 3.8.x, is to load different drop down values for different rows in the jqGrid. Well, not without some trickery, which is what this discussion is about. Of course the issue is that jqGrid has been designed for high performance and thus I have no issue with them loading a reference to a single drop down values list for every column. This way if you have 500 rows or one, each row only refers to a single list for that particular column. Nice! Lets get into the meat and potatoes of it. JqGrid - inline edit and trapping edit rules. - jqgrid Page 1 of x pager. Wiki:toolbar_searching. Datepicker. JqGrid Demos. JqGrid Demos. Jqgriddocs.pdf (application/pdf Object) Trirand Official jqGrid and jqSuite for ASP.NET WebForms, MVC and PHP.