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APIs Explorer. Harvesting Questions for Content Ideas. There's no denying it: coming up with solid topic ideas for content and linkable assets on a consistent basis is hard work. Using keyword tools to unearth keyword ideas that are proven to drive traffic is one effective and time-honored method of topic discovery. Another is using popular questions to fuel content ideation.

Leveraging Q&A-driven content is a high value strategy for few reasons. Sourcing popular questions means you're targeting topics that have some level of inherent demand already, so the guesswork and much of the risk is eliminated.Problem-solving content is well-aligned with query intent, which equals a positive user experience, better engagement signals and a higher likelihood for sharing and links.An entire online empire of sites has been built on Q&A-driven content, which to me shows that the public is hungry for problem-solving content. So where and how do you find popular questions for your niche to build content around? Quora Yahoo Answers LinkedIn Answers. Hackasaurus. Look ahead Learn all about Firefox OS » Welcome to Webmaker! That username is taken You must choose a username Invalid username. All usernames must be between 1-20 characters, and only include "-", "_" and alphanumeric characters You must agree to our terms and conditions.

X-Ray Goggles Remix and share web pages instantly Activate X-Ray Goggles See how Goggles work by swapping an image Copy this image URL (highlight the text below, right-click, then copy the link) The URL you just copied links to a new image! Share your remix When you're ready to share your remixed page, click the Publish button or press P on your keyboard. Help If you need help, make sure the X-Ray Goggles are activated, then press H on your keyboard. Remix any webpage! You can take X-Ray Goggles with you anywhere on the web: Make sure your web browser's bookmarks bar is enabled.

Now visit any website on the internet. Movieclips Wants To Drink Other Movie Clips Sites' Milkshake With Mashups. Everyone loves movie clips. But, unfortunately, they’re often hard to find online in one centralized place. There’s a simple reason for this: licensing. If someone could just solve that, they’d have a pretty killer website, right? That’s what Movieclips has. And now they’re trying to extend it with Movieclips Mashups. The key to this (beyond a killer domain name, is that they have partnerships with six major Hollywood studios to provide them with clips from films. How many clips? Movieclips went to the studios, pitching them directly about the idea.

The first question is nothing new (you make it easy to share the clips on the various social networks). For example, on stage, they showed a bunch of clips from a bunch of movies to play out the Tiger Woods sex scandal — think: The Ladies Man. You can also make e-cards of sorts for friends. And it’s not just quantity. Last year at TechCrunch 50, AnyClip debuted with a similar idea. ———-Q&A With The Judges—————- Automated content sharing - tarpipe. Kind of Screwed. TL;DR version: Last year, I was threatened with a lawsuit over the pixel art album cover for Kind of Bloop.

Despite my firm belief that I was legally in the right, I settled out of court to cut my losses. This ordeal was very nerve-wracking for me and my family, and I’ve had trouble writing about it publicly until now. Note: I posted this on Twitter and Maisel’s Facebook wall before it was deleted, but I’ll repeat it here: I understand you may have strong feelings about this issue, but please don’t harass him publicly or privately. Reasonable discussion about the case is fine; personal attacks, name-calling and abuse are not. We’re all humans here. Be cool. Still want the full story? (Note: This post was reviewed by both my and Jay Maisel’s legal counsel.) The Long Version Remember Kind of Bloop, the chiptune tribute to Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue that I produced? But there was one thing I never thought would be an issue: the cover art. Original photo © Jay Maisel. Fair Use? The Other Factors.

Aimashup11. Mash Maker : Learn More. How to Make Your Own Web Mashup. So you want to make a mashup but aren't entirely sure where to begin? This page can help you get there. 1. Pick a subject Answer the question: a mashup of what? Hint: Plotting markers on maps is probably the easiest place to start. It might just be the best delis in your neighborhood. This helps define what APIs and tools you'll be looking at: maps, news, auctions, products, etc. 2. What is the source of your data? (For the purposes of this Guide, I won't spend time distinguishing between a true 'mashup', thus 2 or more data sources, and just using an API, which may mean only 1 external source. 3. Mashups, as of today, are mostly a programmer's affair although there are some tools such as MapBuilder and Wayfaring that can help you create basic maps without coding. How much of a coder are you? How much time do you have? Do you have a server to run this on? What language will you use?

Note that this whole step may arguably be Step 1, depending on your perspective. 4. 5. Mashup Dashboard - ProgrammableWeb. Rewire the web. Learn How to Build a Pipe in Just a Few Minutes on Yahoo! Video.