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Drupal. Joomla 1.5.x Password Hash Generator - Forums. Search. Help Site - Manual Installation. In certain circumstances there might be a problem with using the standard Browser Installation method described, but all is not lost. It is possible to install Joomla! In a more complex, but never-the-less straight-forward process provided it is completed in sequence. Step 1 – Create and edit the configuration file Open the local directory where you uncompressed the Joomla!

Rename the copied file to configuration.php, and open it in your code editor. Edit the following fields in particular, prior to saving the file in the joomla_root directory of the installation. The following are the important variables to be amended before the software will operate properly: var $sitename = 'your Web site name'; var $dbtype = 'mysql'; var $host = 'localhost'; var $user = 'your database username'; var $password = 'your database password'; var $db = 'database name'; var $dbprefix = 'jos_'; // This is the default database table prefix.

800 Free Joomla 1.5 Templates !!! General Joomla 1.5 Templates. AcyMailing Starter. How do you copy a site from localhost to a remote host? When you are first trying out Joomla! , it is often recommended that you install it on your local system. (e.g., "localhost"), for example with XAMPP, and get your site running locally. Eventually you may want to copy this site to your remote host. Fortunately, this is easy to do. This article assumes you have installed Joomla! 1.5 on your local computer, you have created a website and you now wish to copy this website to your remote host.

Here are the steps: Create a Place on Your Remote Host to Install Joomla! If this is a new site, it will just be your home directory. Copy Files and Directories of Your Local Joomla Directory to the Remote Host You have two methods: Upload all files by FTP or Upload only a compressed file by FTP Upload all Files by FTP Normally, the easiest way to copy these files is using an FTP client program, such as Filezilla. Upload a Compressed File Copying a large number of individual files using FTP can sometimes be unreliable.

Creating an archive file In Joomla! Remote Installation of Joomla. Working mainly with the Joomla CMS as our base for building websites, I have to install at least one Joomla site a week. Sometimes, 2-3 a day. This can become quite tedious. Here is a few tricks to help you out. What this applies to This article does not apply to Joomla alone. What to avoid when doing a remote install If you have a T3 connection, then you probably don't mind downloading the full Joomla installation package. Uploading uncompressed folders, apart from being slow, is more error prone. Installing Joomla with remote Shell Access If you have SSH privileges on the remote host, then installing Joomla should be a breeze. First fire up your SSH client, such as Putty.

Eg: cd /var/www/html/joomla1/ or eg: cd /user/root/public_html/joomla1/ The filesystem structure will depend on your system. Go to Joomla website and find the download page for the latest Joomla version you want to install. Regardless of which version you choose, make sure its the latest update, and the full package.