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This Device Provides Clean Water for Pennies a Day. Photo: WaterconePassive Solar One Step Water Condensation FTW!

This Device Provides Clean Water for Pennies a Day

We wrote about the Watercone back in 2004, but considering how much TreeHugger's audience has grown since then, it's likely that only a handful of you were reading the site back then. I think it's time to have a second look at this very clever device that has the potential to help provide clean drinking water for millions of people who are lacking access to clean water (or if they do, maybe the access is intermittent and they could use a plan B).

This could save many lives for sure. Read on for more details and a demonstration video. Photo: WaterconeStep #1: Pour salty / brackish Water into pan. Photo: WaterconeStep #2: The evaporated Water condensates in the form of droplets on the inner wall of the cone. Photo: WaterconeStep #3: By unscrewing the cap at the tip of the cone and turning the cone upside down, one can empty the potable Water gathered in the trough directly into a drinking device. Basic. 6 Dangerous “Urban Survival Myths” About Water. As with everything in survival there are a lot of rumors floating around about what works and what doesn’t.

6 Dangerous “Urban Survival Myths” About Water

Steps In Water Purification. If you live in a city, it is easy to take tap water for granted.

Steps In Water Purification

With a single turn of a faucet knob, you have access to clean, clear water, ready to drink. Ensuring that water is free from contaminants, however, is a multistage process. Municipal water treatment plants use a variety of technologies to purify your tap water and keep it safe. In nature, water is full of substances that can alter its taste and odor and even make you sick. Dirt and suspended solids, large particles that can make water murky and cloudy, are common. First, treatment plants pump water into large reservoirs, where it stands for long periods to allow solids and other heavy contaminants to fall out of solution as sediment. The filtration process removes smaller particles that survived the sedimentation process and strips out organic compounds that can affect the taste and odor of your tap water.

Using natural material. Jungle Survival: Finding Water" Because jungles are so wet, collecting rainwater is probably the easiest part of survival.

Jungle Survival: Finding Water"

Leaves on the rainforest floor are large because of the limited amount of sunlight they get. The larger the leaf, the more of the sun's rays it can soak up. Large leaves are useful in collecting dew and rainwater. Solar Still Basics. Introduction Solar Still Background | Still Operation Still Water Production | Distillation Purification Capabilities The basic principles of solar water distillation are simple yet effective, as distillation replicates the way nature makes rain.

Solar Still Basics

The sun's energy heats water to the point of evaporation. As the water evaporates, water vapor rises, condensing on the glass surface for collection. This process removes impurities such as salts and heavy metals as well as eliminates microbiological organisms. Mother Earth News Magazine. How to Purify Water amount of bleach per gallon. Comments The above text is designed to be printed, cut-out, and taped inside a cabinet door, or saved as a reminder. 6 % sodium hypochlorite solution, referred to as " common household chlorine bleach", is not a seriously poisonous substance to humans.

How to Purify Water amount of bleach per gallon

It is an alkaline salt. It is not an "acid". However It very, very effectively kills bacteria and viruses upon contact. All long-standing water that is exposed to air and sunlight grows bacteria and other organisms which may include the very troublesome protozoa, Giardia. It should be noted that fish, mosquitoes, algae, etc. can not - and do not live - in poisonous water. New well-water should ALWAYS be tested by the drilling company to determine if the water coming from the ground is truly safe for drinking.

Without any doubt, the easiest way to insure clean, safe, pure drinking water, is to instal a water purification system that acts both as a filter, and a purifier. Back to New Jerusalem Home Page. How to Purify Water. How to Find Water and How to Make Water Safe to Drink by Robert Wayne Atkins. How to Find Water and How to Make Water Safe to Drink Copyright © 1998, 2010, 2012 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E. All Rights Reserved. For Fair Use and Educational Purposes Only. Click Here for a Microsoft WORD printer friendly copy of this article. The three basic necessities which sustain life are: 1. air, 2. water, and 3. food. The Rule of Threes states that a person can live for: three-minutes without air, three-days without water, and three-weeks without food.

TRANSPIRATION SURVIVAL WATER PROCUREMENT. Ray Mears / Water from Transpiration Bag. AZ of Bushcraft (W for Water) Survival: Water Collection. Michael Pritchard's water filter turns filthy water drinkable. Crock jug made on the creek, wilderness survival. Survival: Water Containers for the Wilderness and Methods. Home Made Water Filter. Ultralight (17g) 1-Micron Water Filter. F&J Glass Fiber Filter Paper. Particle Retention _____________________________________________________________________________ For air or gas filtration FPXM has a DOP efficiency of 98% when measured at a flow velocity of 32 liters per minute, through a 100 square centimeter area, with a particle concentration of 100 micrograms per liter of air.

F&J Glass Fiber Filter Paper

DOP (dioctyl phthalate) particles used in such determinations have an average size of 0.3 microns. Liquid filtration particle retention values are highly dependent of numerous factors which affect a depth filter's ability to capture and hold particulates. These factors include the physical shape of the particles, viscosity of the solution, flow velocity and others. Although gauging particle retention values for liquid filtration are not as definitive as for air filtration, it is estimated that FPXM retains particles in the 1 to 2 micron range with very high efficiency. High Flow Rate _____________________________________________________________________________

Ray Mears / Salty Water Distillation. Urban Survival - Drinking Water From a River or Retention Pond.