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Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond by Brad Lancaster. Build a Pond. Chinampa II  チナンパ(第二) *See entry below this one for an introduction to chinampasチナンパ入門の方は「チナンパ」エントリーも見てみてください。

Chinampa II  チナンパ(第二)

A young chinampa with a visible foundation of branches and twigs. Like a floating cold compost pile.比較的新しいチナンパ。 チナンパの土台となる枝などがむき出しです。 Chinampa II チナンパ(第二) Northeasternpermaculture.wikispaces. Chinampas-from-sidewalkprouts. The Floating Gardens of Tenochtitlán*: The Venice of the New WorldEden's Container. When Spanish conquistadors first encountered the capital of the Aztec world, Tenochtitlán (now present day Mexico City) they looked at the homes built on floating island structures known as chinampas and dubbed the city “The Venice of the New World.”

The Floating Gardens of Tenochtitlán*: The Venice of the New WorldEden's Container

At the time of Spanish Conquest, Tenochtitlán was larger than most of the cities in Europe, including Paris and Rome. The population, which was between 15,000 and 20,000, was largely non-farming.