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Content Curation Tools: A Curated List of Content Curation Tools. Finding and Sharing great content is very time consuming.

Content Curation Tools: A Curated List of Content Curation Tools

But we all have plenty of times on our hands. I don’t think so…. Social Media eats into our time every day and it’s getting worse! Content curation tools are available to help. Want more time for other work? Content curation is the process of filtering through content to find the best content. So here are some content curation tools that will save you time finding great content. Note: Make sure also to read the essential effective guide to content sharing. 1. In you create boards of content around specific topics and then add content to these boards. When you use other real people find content for you. Here’s an example of a board I created for top social media posts. 2.

Imagine that you missed a really great conference but you heard that someone ‘storified’ it. This summary could include tweets, Facebook updates, pictures, videos and much more. So you get a story about the conference. 7 top tools for content curation., Storify, Pearltrees let you become a niche authority This is the second of a two-part series.

7 top tools for content curation

See part 1: • 7 smart techniques for content curation Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, businesses, educators, journalists, general public. By now you’ve likely heard of content curation, the process of collecting and cataloging the most useful or interesting things about a topic in order to share it for the common benefit. In part 1, Beth Kanter looked at 7 smart techniques for content curation.

Keep in mind, there are lots of different ways to curate. More often, though, the new breed of content curation tools refers to sites and services specifically geared for finding the diamonds in the rough. 10 Of The Best Content Curation Tools. As more online platforms embrace social media, content curation will continue to lift its key role in the preparation and delivery of content, and the messages it conveys in various forms.

10 Of The Best Content Curation Tools

But what gave rise to content curation? Why is it important? How does it work? And which content curation tools will you need? Content curation means sorting and showing Web content in a well-structured way, focusing on a central idea. The Importance of Content Curation Tools A content curator offers a valuable skill to people who want to find high-quality content because looking for sensible information will increasingly need time and effort in this age of social media, wherein digital content is plethoric. Content curation creates thought leadership for brands and organization. Beth Kanter provides a good explanation for content curation as a three-part process – Seek, Sense, and Share (the three S’s) – in this post.

The Ultimate List of Content Curation Tools and Platforms. CAS Authentication wanted! "La paresse est une des trois qualités du veilleur" selon Christophe Deschamps, consultant et formateur notamment en veille stratégique.

CAS Authentication wanted!

Thot Cursus détaille dans cet article des astuces et propose quelques outils pour organiser au mieux sa veille dans son environnement personnel d'apprentissage (EAP) : Une attitude : être paresseux intelligemmentSuivre les veilleurs et les producteurs d'informationAller plus loin encore. Vous pouvez suivre les veilleurs d'outils de veilleAdopter les méthodes de pull et pushFouiller internet.. sans se laisser fouiller Illustration : Frédéric Duriez pour Thot Cursus - Nov. 2016. Introduction - Optimiser sa veille avec l'agrégateur Netvibes - Formadoct at Université européenne de Bretagne. Lecteurs de flux RSS : trois applis gratuites au banc d'essai. Feedly ​ Feedly propose une interface classique, mais très réussie : à gauche une colonne fait apparaître les sources qu’il est possible de regrouper dans des dossiers thématiques ; et à droite, un large panneau donne lecture des flux RSS.

Lecteurs de flux RSS : trois applis gratuites au banc d'essai

Cette lecture est disponible en plusieurs modes : titres seulement, introduction de l’article + illustration, article complet... En cours de lecture, un article peut être classé dans un dossier « à lire plus tard ». Une très utile fonction documentaire vient en aide aux utilisateurs : des mots-clés (tag) peuvent être apposés sur n’importe quel article. Une fois tagués, ces articles sont archivés et accessibles d’un seul clic. Outre son interface épurée, Feedly se distingue également par son haut niveau de personnalisation. Inoreader Nouveau venu, Inoreader est développé par l’éditeur bulgare Innologica. Une fois les sources sélectionnées, les flux RSS apparaissent dans le panneau de droite. Tutoriaux Netvibes.