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Savvy Vegetarian|Vegetarian,Vegan Diet|Recipes|Advice|Cooking. Recetas veganas, recetas vegetarianas fáciles. Sección Recetas Distintas recetas de cocina vegetarianas. Todas son veganas, sin productos de origen animal. Esperamos que sirvan para enriquecer y facilitar vuestra alimentación vegetariana. Este recetario está pensado sobre todo para contener recetas fáciles vegetarianas, sin embargo también hay sugerencias más elaboradas.

Esperamos que las disfrutéis. Recordad que toda receta es orientativa: cambiad unos ingredientes por otros, añadid, quitad, aprovechad lo que tengáis en casa, experimentad, divertíos... Ultimas recetas veganas publicadas Cremas, sopas y purés Recetas ideales para primeros platos veganos de cremas, sopas y purés. Sopas y cremas frías Selección de recetas de sopas y cremas frías veganas fáciles para el verano. Pastas y arroces Recetas veganas de arroces y pasta (fideos, macarrones, couscous, spagetti, etc..) Hay tanto recetas tradicionales, sus adaptaciones a la cocina vegana, así como otras recetas más creativas. Hamburguesas vegetales veganas Ensaladas y ensaladillas Legumbres.

Recetas veganas, recetas vegetarianas fáciles. Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies. I love making something for my friends to help them through tough times as well as helping them celebrate fun ones — upcoming exams, engagements, and of course birthdays. Well my best friend Kori moved back to North Carolina last week for a new job (she’s from CT too but we both went to undergrad in NC), and she was nervous and excited all at the same time — a perfect opportunity for cookies! Kori offers a particular challenge since she doesn’t eat eggs or butter, but she wouldn’t be Kori if she wasn’t a little difficult, so I started an internet search for the best vegan chocolate chip cookies and voila… Making vegan chocolate cupcakes as I did for Kori’s birthday doesn’t digress much from a non-vegan recipe, but substituting butter and eggs in cookies is a bit more challenging.

If you follow a vegan diet or have a vegan friend moving hundreds of miles away, consider making these cookies and the world will truly be a better place. Enough of my soap box, onto the cookies… 2 cups flour. The Tera Warner Blog. Out With The Old, In With The New! By Tera Warner Hey there, I know you’re busy and time is in short supply but it has come to my attention that we have a clutter problem around here and I’d love your help handling it.

I’m taking spring cleaning pretty seriously and getting rid of a significant number of courses, books, programs, etc. to make room for what we have coming next. There’s no point my thrashing and throwing things away if you really love and are interested in them. Above all else, I want to make sure that our programs and projects and products are what YOU really need, want and are looking for. Read more » share Tags: menu planner, menu planning, recipes, survey, surveymonkey, Tera WarnerPosted in Tera's Tid Bits | No Comments » Double Duty Beauty: Clean Your House and Get a Great Workout by Jenn Givler How often do you pay attention to your heart rate when you’re vacuuming? For a 150 pound woman, vacuuming for an hour can burn 238 calories. Read more » With Love From New Zealand. Fatfree Vegan Recipes.

Información / Artículos (UVA) Weelicious Recipes. My Vegan Planet Vegan Recipe Website. - Your Vegan Baking Community. Vegan Happy Hour - A vegan recipes blog. Vegan Mainstream - Ensuring an ethical lifestyle is accessible to everyone, everywhere.