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8% Of Americans Use Twitter And More Stats You Need To See. Earlier this year, Twitter boasted that the site had grown to around 190 million users who tweet around 65 million times each day. These statistics are impressive, but the Pew Research Center has come out with its own numbers that provide some context for Twitter's growth and how far the microblogging service has yet to go before it is mainstream. According to Pew, 8% of Americans on the Internet use Twitter. That number is larger among certain groups, including adults between 18 and 29 years old, African-Americans and Latinos, as well as people who live in cities. On an average day, 2% of online adults use Twitter.

Pew notes that the most recent survey was a follow-up to previous research which found that, in September 2010, 24% of Internet users said they "use the internet to use Twitter or another service to share updates about yourself or to see updates about others. " Pew's report also sheds light on how Twitterers use the service (see charts below). What do you make of Pew's findings? Glass half full: Life after trauma. 30+ Twitter Tools for Research « Ana ADI. 30+ Twitter Tools for Research Posted by Ana ADI on November 6, 2010 · 28 Comments NOTE: If you find this blog post useful please bookmark it. I am planning to include here the latest info on Twitter tools.

For some time now, I am doing my best to participate in a Twitter chat dedicated to social media measurement, #smmeasure, as a means of exploring what practitioners do and of discovering new tools. Last Thursday (November 4) the discussion who brought together marketing/communications practitioners, bloggers and representatives of social media measurement companies have focused on influence and influencers – identifying them, measuring their influence/reach, engaging them. So besides the need of defining these notion (which Andreana Drencheva, or @addy_dren attempted to do in her post) a necessity to reveal and discuss tools used for research emerged.

TwentyFeet is a rather new platform dedicated to aggregating statistics related to Twitter and Facebook accounts. Reach Influence Archive. #usguys - What the Hashtag?! Twitalyzer: Serious Analytics for Social Relationships. Klout | The Standard for Online and Internet Influence |

Josepf J Haslam: Klout Influence Summary. How do you use your Klout for Good? How do you use your Klout for Good? December 14th, 2010 by Ashley Jacober To spread the warmth this holiday season, Klout is teaming up with Moms and Jobs (MoJo), who provides employment and child care for single moms living in poverty. Their get a blanket, give a blanket offer donates one blanket to charity whenever someone buys a blanket from MoJo.

A selected group of key influencers will be getting a luxury soft blanket, and on their behalf, Klout and MoJo will be donating another blanket to charity- Pine Street Inn of Boston and Compass Family Services of San Francisco. How do you or someone you admire use your influence (Klout) for good? Use this format: I use my #KloutforGood by tweeting out when a friend needs help Check out how @username uses their #KloutforGood by raising money for charity Feel free to play around with the format as long as you include #KloutforGood and link back with.


Klout: The Biggest Popularity Contest Of All - Victoria Barret - Upside Potential.