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Twitter for Connected Educators. Twitter for Teachers. Twitter: Popular Education Hashtags on Twitter. How to Start a Blog on Blogger: 20 Steps. A blog about blogging! Such a sense of irony to be blogging about blogging… but it is how it is when I’m so deeply entrenched in the content. So my blogging diet is protein based. It’s like I’m in training.

Sometimes I feel like I’m writing around the clock to feed the need for content – whether it is writing about blogging in my book or producing content for 2 different blogs…. but it hasn’t always been this way. I, like I’m sure many of you, dragged my feet for quite some time before allowing the blogging bug to bite. There were many reasons I didn’t do it…. I didn’t have time to write (although I was writing often enough in a notebook)No one wanted to read what I had to say, so what was the point? Anyway, in the beginning, someone else did it for me. I don’t recommend this approach. Here’s what you need to do if you want to start, but you don’t know how: Pick a platform that will meet your needs (what do you plan on using the blog for?) What fears are holding you back?

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