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Verzeichnis der Plattform für deutschsprachige Reiseblogger. Reisen für wenig Geld. Noch einmal unter Palmen sitzen, die Sonne auf der Haut spüren und Licht tanken für den dunklen Winter. Genau das Richtige, oder? Das Gute: Jetzt im November kann man schön günstig in die Sonne fliegen. Stiftung Warentest hat die besten Angebote getestet und zeigt, worauf man achten muss. Foto: © Dudarev Mikhail - Reiseschnäppchen-Portale 1. Hier findet man vor allem günstige Kurzreisen und Hotelübernachtungen. Stiftung Warentest meint: Viele preisgünstige Angebote, teilweise 50 Prozent Rabatt. 2. Flüge, Hotels oder Wellness-Reisen - die Auswahl an günstigen Angeboten ist hier groß.

Stiftung Warentest meint: Viele preisgünstige Angebote - aber vor allem bei Flügen sollte man die Preise vergleichen. 3. Hier gibt's täglich neue Angebote, meistens Hotelübernachtungen oder Kurzreisen. Stiftung Warentest meint: Es soll hier einen Preisvorteil von 90 Prozent geben. Gutscheinportale 1. und 2. 1. Start Here - y Travel Blog. Thanks for sharing your concern Melissa. However, how do you suppose we continue to share about family travel if we don’t generate revenue? I’m disappointed that you expect us to spend 80+ hours a week pumping out a huge amount of value and tips, helping to transform people’s lives and inspire more families to travel for free. I’m sorry but we just can’t do that. I don’t know who could possibly do that for free. Apart from all that, we are sharing B-School because we have a very large number of people following us, who wish to create a digital nomadic lifestyle so they too can travel like us.

We’ve learned how to be the best at what we do and create this lifestyle in large part to B-School. It is a legimate online business school that teaches you how to create a business that you love, which gives back to so many. WE have over 200,000 people who visit us a month to serve. Honestly if we lose people because they have the same attitude, I don’t care.

Reply ↓ World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms - WWOOF. 10 Best Cities for Music Lovers. Photo:Britt Reints A true music lover isn't content to have a great road trip playlist; they want to experience the local music scene wherever they go. Whether you're a family looking to learn about music history or a couple of girlfriends looking to listen to some live music at night, you'll find the right note for your trip at one of these American cities for music lovers. 1. New Orleans, Loui. You can hear live music in New Orleans at any time of the day or night, all you have to do to find it is go for a walk. 2. You can hear live music on Beale Street, but the real draw for music lovers is the history. 3. You won't find it as easy to introduce your kids to music here, but if you hire a sitter or visit without the entire family you'll a long row of honkey tonks giving a stage to music industry hopefuls. 4.

Photo:Kevin Murphy/Creative Commons Perhaps best known as the birthplace of grunge, Seattle still has a thriving music scene that includes big name acts and local artists. 5. 6. 7. Vagabondish | Dubious tips & essential ephemera for today's curious traveler. The Wanderlust Project. There is to me, a lot more to admire in someone who stayed put and challenged their perspectives and habits and lifestyle choices at home than there is to some first world Instagram addict who conf… Lake Dunstan, New Zealand Here’s the view during lunch en route to Queenstown.

We stopped along the way with our new friend, a young German fella who we’d met at our host’s home in Tarras. A fellow Couchsurfer, as well as our first hitchhiker! Watching the sunset, Tarras It started out as a joke when I realized I had several pictures of our parked car alongside magnificent landscapes. Doesn’t look like our car had to do much to look good, the epic scenery does most of the work. Make a Rubber Band Travel Clothesline ( for Less Than $1 ) Spotted by Locals - Local insider tips in 41 cities in Europe. Stockholm, and the Strangers Who Brought Me There. NECTAR & PULSE - Your local soulmates. C'est Christine l Solo Female Travel Blog. Adventurous Kate | The Solo Female Travel Blog.

Solo female travel - Nine myths and one truth. This week's guest blogger, with a post titled 'Solo female travel - Nine myths and one truth', is Stephanie Yoder, a girl who can't sit still. She's a traveller, a writer and blogger at Twenty-Something Travel, a website about travel for young people. To keep up to date with Stephanie you can follower her on Twitter and/or (both!) 'like' her on facebook. So you have this great trip planned out, to a place you've really been longing to see, but you can't seem to convince anyone to come with you. What's a girl to do?

Wait? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. And the one truth? If you’re female and about to set on your own just remember this - it's okay to be nervous. Twenty-Something Travel. How to See the World: Art of Travel; European and World Backpacking; On $25 a Day or Less.