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4 Triathlon Resolutions You Can Keep. Haven’t hammered out that resolution list yet?

4 Triathlon Resolutions You Can Keep

Here are four goals to go for this year—and tips on how to get ‘em done. Even the most seasoned runners fall victim to that familiar “dead legs” feeling after dismounting the bike, but there are ways to power through. 5 Plyometric Drills For Triathletes. Combine your endurance-focused efforts with explosive sprint drills for better finishing speed.

5 Plyometric Drills For Triathletes

While sprinters and endurance athletes are wholly different creatures, we distance junkies can learn a few things from the speed demons. Sure there’s no substitute for time in the pool, in the saddle and on your feet, but throwing in some explosive sprint drills before high-intensity run workouts can aid in both stamina and finishing speed, even in a long-course race. A recent study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research explored the effects of explosive training on endurance performance in runners. Troubles digestifs à l'effort, pourquoi ? Préparez vous-même vos produits énergétiques pour l’entraînement hivernal ! Yoga Styles For Triathletes. Choose the style of yoga that best suits your needs as an athlete.

Yoga Styles For Triathletes

Yoga serves as the perfect cross-training for triathletes for its restorative benefits and ability to build body awareness. “When I began practicing yoga, I realized I really was not using my body properly,” says Kona qualifier and certified yoga instructor Allison Woodward. “I was pounding each day on my feet instead of utilizing my feet to make them stronger. I had horrible posture from being hunched over on a bike. I thought my core was strong, but it really wasn’t. Loosen Your Back With This One-Minute Exercise. Matt Fitzgerald offers up a way to loosen up the middle back.

Loosen Your Back With This One-Minute Exercise

Using the thoracic spine mobilization exercise, you will loosen up your mid-spine area and gain a greater range of motion. More one-minute exercise videos. Using Real Foods For Long-Distance Training. Fuel your long-course training and racing with real foods to reap the benefits.

Using Real Foods For Long-Distance Training

Whether you’re sick of manufactured sports nutrition, have never found the right product for you, or you’d just like to be more aware of what goes into your body, consuming real foods might just be the missing ingredient in your long-course racing. Here’s what you need to know. Why should I switch? For one, you would be eating food provided by nature.

“There are certain things in these foods we can’t quantify—there are phytochemicals and phytonutrients that can’t be engineered,” says Kim Schwabenbauer, a certified sports dietitian, Level 1 USAT coach and owner of Fuel Your Passion. Piriformis Syndrome Treatment, Prevention And Exercises. Learn how to treat and prevent this lower-back and buttock pain that is common among runners and triathletes.

Piriformis Syndrome Treatment, Prevention And Exercises

The Symptoms Pain in the lower back and/or buttocks, sometimes feeling as if it’s deep inside the buttock muscles. It may be too painful to sit on the affected buttock. The pain and/or tingling can radiate down the backs of the legs as well. What’s Going On In There? The piriformis muscle runs behind the hip joint and aids in external hip rotation, or turning your leg outward. The difference between these diagnoses is that traditional sciatica is generally caused by some spinal issue, like a compressed lumbar disc.

Runners, cyclists and rowers are the athletes most at risk for piriformis syndrome. How To Fit Yoga Into Your Training Cycle. Time on the yoga mat should vary depending on where you are in your training cycle.

How To Fit Yoga Into Your Training Cycle

Heading to yoga on your recovery day? Don’t roll out your mat yet. While a sweaty vinyasa or power yoga class sounds like the ideal way to work out the kinks, you may be adding stress to your already taxed body. “If you’re serious about training, you need to make sure your yoga practice isn’t undermining it,” says Sage Rountree, USAT-certified coach, yoga teacher and author of The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery. “Recognize that yoga is not your sport,” says Tiffany Cruikshank, founder of Yoga Medicine and former yoga teacher at the Nike World Headquarters. 5 Off-Season Rules. To prep your body for a better 2015 season, you need to play by the rules now.

5 Off-Season Rules

Welcome to the off-season! Pat yourself on the back for another solid year and go into the winter with a real plan—but don’t fall into the trap of attempting to carry PR fitness through to spring. Feeling ‘Blah’ Before A Workout or Race? Don’t Stress! Have you ever felt like crap prior to—and perhaps even during the warm-up of—a big workout or race only to have an incredible performance?

Feeling ‘Blah’ Before A Workout or Race? Don’t Stress!

If so, you’re in good company. “I’ve undergone this many times,” says Dr. Michael Joyner, a world-renowned physician and physiologist at the Mayo Clinic who ran a 2:25 marathon during his prime. “Sometimes you start off feeling like wood and by the end of the workout you feel great.” Joyner speculates the occasional disconnect between how a runner feels before and during a workout is related to muscle temperature and the time it takes various energy systems to ramp up.

Plan Your Triathlon Season Like A Pro. Professional triathlete Jesse Thomas explains how he tackles the task of planning a triathlon season.

Plan Your Triathlon Season Like A Pro

When I sit down at the beginning of each year to plan my schedule, it always feels daunting. There are just so many options—70.3s, Rev3s, Challenges, 5150s, HITS, local tris, The Thomas Family Beer Mile Series, the list goes on and on. Should I race late, early, how far away, how much does it cost, when’s that family reunion again? 5 Winter Activities To Maintain Off-Season Fitness. Rather than spending countless hours on the trainer, many triathletes use the winter as an opportunity to step away from triathlon and engage in a new sport. A temporary change of mindset doesn’t have to mean a loss of triathlon fitness. Experts share five popular winter activities to help triathletes maintain—or even gain—fitness in the off-season. Snowshoeing is the arctic version of power running. Many of the same muscles are engaged, but with exaggerated form: legs are lifted higher, arms are pumped more and the terrain requires more use of stabilizing muscles.

“Triathletes will benefit from the increase in running thigh and glute power,” says Brad “BadAssador” Canham, an Ironman finisher, avid snowshoe racer and owner of This is especially evident in the increased conditioning of the legs’ ability to bring power immediately off the bike. In general, running on snow tends to be a very forgiving experience, and injuries are uncommon. How To Disguise Your Strength Work. Most cycling and triathlon coaches consider strength training an essential component of a sound training regimen. Done right, it enhances cycling performance, reduces injury risk and slows the gradual loss of muscle strength that occurs after age 30.

Despite these benefits, most cyclists and triathletes don’t include strength workouts in their training. Who can blame them? It’s hard enough to fit time-consuming rides between work, family time and household chores. At What Point In A Race Should I Start Drinking Cola? Q: At what point in a race should I start to drink cola? And should I train with it? A: The benefits of drinking a caffeinated, high-sugar beverage, such as Coke, toward the latter part of an endurance event, are well-documented. Research from many institutions has shown it helps mobilize fats and sugar into the bloodstream, making it available for use by the athlete, which should improve endurance performance.

Train Smart! How To Avoid 5 Common Training Mistakes. Are you making these common mistakes in your training? Most triathletes take their training seriously. They are highly motivated, disciplined, and willing to work hard to improve. However, I also see most triathletes making the same training mistakes over and over again. I’m not talking about small mistakes in the details of training, but fundamental ones that impede progress in a major way. Caffeine’s Benefits, Risks And Performance Benefits. When used correctly, caffeine can give you a big performance boost on race day.

Three out of four Americans consume coffee regularly, and I’d venture to say triathletes are in line with the national average. The average consumption is 200 milligrams of caffeine daily (or about two cups of regular drip coffee). How Often Should You Run After Riding? The Best Triathlon Advice I Ever Got… Our editors and contributors share the best tips they’ve taken from Triathlete articles. Every day, Triathlete editors and contributors compile the latest research, expert advice and innovative breakthroughs in the sport for readers.

In addition to contributing to the overall body of knowledge in triathlon, many lessons inform our own approach as triathletes as well. The Best Triathlon Advice I Ever Got… What To Do If You’re Hit By A Car. Velonews’ legal expert Bob Mionske explains the dos and don’ts of what to do if you’re hit by a car while riding. This post originally appeared on A Triathlete’s Guide To Salt. As the temperatures rise, long-course triathletes can benefit from adding extra electrolytes to their race-day nutrition plans. Even those who proclaim not to sweat much will feel the effects of sweating out water and key electrolytes during long, hot training sessions. A Triathlete’s Guide To Salt. Les 15 aliments les plus riches en protéines végétales.

Choisir de devenir végétarien ou décider de limiter sa consommation de viande implique de se passer des protéines animales. Heureusement, la nature est bien faite et nous fournit des protéines végétales qui permettent de compenser ce manque. Beginner’s Corner: Fueling For The Long Workout. Once you have your training plan set and have a weekly schedule for getting yourself prepared for the distance, there are a few other details to get to the start line in optimal comfort and speed. A Physiological View Of What The Human Body Goes Through In An Ironman. The following story explains exactly what the body goes through over 140.6 miles of racing. This story originally appeared in the January/February, 2009 edition of Inside Triathlon magazine. From the outside, swimming, cycling and running appear as movement. But from inside the triathlete’s body, swimming, cycling and running appear as an acceleration of time. 17 Reasons You’re Not Getting Faster.

The Heart Rate Monitor And Triathlon Training. How To Plan An Ironman Nutrition Strategy. The 10 Best Carbohydrate Sources For Endurance Athletes. Video: Craig Alexander’s Core Workout. Video: Craig Alexander’s Core Workout. Les troubles digestifs à l'effort. Tout sur votre fréquence cardiaque. Monday Minute: Stability Ball Push-Up. One-Hour Workout: Mobility And Core Strength Gym Session. What To Do When You Can’t Run. Top 5 Nutrition Mistakes Made By Smart Triathletes. Dear Coach: Should Everyone Try A Coach? Get The Most From Hiring A Triathlon Coach. Optimisez votre entrainement en vélo - Triathlète 190 .:. Analyser un triathlon pour progresser - Triathlète 185 .:. Conseils et Articles pour l'entrainements aux triathlons.

Conseils et Articles pour l'entrainements aux triathlons. Planification d'une saison de Triathlon. Réglages des dérailleurs. Wiki Triathlon - Apportez vos connaissances ! Bien utiliser son cardiofréquencemetre en triathlon. Préparer un triathlon CD en 16 semaines. L'endurance fondamentale - Préparation physique. Gérer les transitions - Conseils de Romain Guillaume. Course à pied - Conseils pour longue distance. Le vélo en longue distance - Ironman. Nutrition en triathlon par Romain Guillaume. 10 Week Olympic Distance Training Program for Beginners. Plans d’entraînement triathlon gratuit - Toutes distances.

Techniques de natation pour le triathlon par Romain Guillaume. Triathlon courte distance - Conseil partie vélo. Course à pied - Conseils courte distance. La planification en triathlon. Maton-exploration-des-performances-aerobies-en-triathlon-applications-entrainement.pdf (Objet application/pdf)