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Scrumy. Innovation Management – Turn ideas into action | Intuit Brainstorm® Free Web Conferencing Features, Host Online Meetings. Mightybell | Create Thriving Online Communities for Free. How Contactually Keeps Up With Competitors Using Zapier | Zapier Blog | Zapier - Sync the Web. This following is a guest post by Tony Cappaert. Tony is the Co-Founder at Contactually, a personal assistant that helps you stay connected with your top contacts. He leads up all marketing and business development for Contactually, and was previous a PM on the adCenter team at Microsoft. He loves hiking, camping, and drinking great beer. We love Hipchat. When we first started our company last fall we were a distributed team and were working on the product part-time. We needed a way for everyone on the team to stay connected and in sync, and Hipchat was the perfect chat solution.

However, after using Hipchat for a few weeks as solely a chat client, we stumbled across their API. Right away we started integrating with a host of other services: Github, Pivotal Tracker, Stripe, and our own app. We'd turned Hipchat from a simple chat client to a livestream of everything going on with our company, updating 24/7. That's when we discovered Zapier. Setting up the integration was quick and easy.

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