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Comité de programme. IGI Global - International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. The most comprehensive journal of its kind, the International Journal of Mobile and Blended learning (IJMBL) offers the researcher and practitioner an exceptional opportunity to take on board the major currents in this new learning technology field. In particular, it embraces the major issues addressed by innovative learning theories and practices in an increasingly mobile and pervasive technological environment.

I personally believe that IJMBL fills a void for those wishing to thoroughly understand mobile and blended learning's diverse foundations, and establishes itself at the core of the discipline. – Dr. Hokyoung Ryu, Centre for Mobile Computing at Massey University, New Zealand Mobile computing is having an enormous impact on many aspects of society, not least on learning and education. The International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning will likely have a very strong positive impact on this area from both from technical and societal perspectives.

. – Dr. . – Dr. Journal of Interactive Media in Education. Vol 12, No 1 (2011) Journal. Modern Language Journal. Revue Distances et savoirs. RUSC. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento. A bilingual refereed research e-journal in e-learning, university and network society. Call for papers open for the next Special Section on 'MOOCs: Game Changer or Passing Fad? ' RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal is an electronic publication coedited by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and its eLearn Center, and the University of New England and its dehub. RUSC, Universities and Knowledge Society Journal has been accepted and included in the most relevant directories, catalogues, libraries and databases. Google Scholar-H5-index: 14 RUSC is an electronic journal that publishes two issues per year (January and July). The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

DOI: Vol 11, No 1 (January 2014) Full Issue Table of Contents Research Articles Special Section RUSC. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. Special Issue of JCAL on: In recognition of the current interest in both learning analytics and massively multiuser environments and courses, contributions are being solicited for a special issue of JCAL addressing the intersection of these domains. It is clear that dialogue and exchange are needed to bring together the various contributory bodies of knowledge encompassed by the two domains, and one of the aims of the special issue will be to help encourage this.

To this end, in addition to manuscripts reporting empirical investigations on the application of learning analytics to learning, teaching and assessment in MMVEs and MOOCs, those with a theoretical or conceptual focus will also be considered, with interdisciplinary studies and perspectives particularly sought after and welcomed. Proposal submission deadline extended until 7th October 2013. JCAL - Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. Le guide 2010 du web pédagogique : Pédagogie. Par François Jarraud Les sites des penseurs de l'éducation Parmi les grands acteurs de l'éducation les chercheurs sont à mettre à part.

Ce sont eux qui donnent le recul pour penser l'Ecole et qui de ce fait montrent la voie. Malheureusement peu entretiennent un site Internet vivant. Vous trouverez dans les articles du Café pédagogique bien des noms absents dans ce Guide pour cette seule raison. Le site de Philippe Meirieu Tenu par un des plus grands spécialistes de l'Ecole, il associe un fonds documentaire unique avec des réactions et analyses en prise avec l'actualité. Le site de Bruno Suchaut Directeur de l'IREDU, un institut de recherche en sociologie de l'école, Bruno Suchaut met en ligne ses travaux de réflexion et d’analyse sur le système éducatif, sur son fonctionnement et ses résultats. Les grandes revues pédagogiques La Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres Par exemple le numéro 52 sur "Un seul monde, une seule école ?

" Spirale. IjCSCL :: International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. ReCALL. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) Alsic - Apprentissage des Langues et Systèmes d'Information et de Communication.