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Mayday PAC Launch. Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim. @Google: Lawrence Lessig: Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress—and a Plan to Stop It. Lawrence Lessig Occupy Wall Street Could Bridge Left And Right. Lawrence Lessig and Mark McKinnon: How to sober up Washington. The following op-ed, co-written by HLS Professor Lawrence Lessig and Daily Beast contributor Mark McKinnon, appeared in the Apr. 6 edition of the online publication. by Mark McKinnon and Lawrence Lessig Washington is hopelessly addicted to money and thus to the status quo; drunk with power and incapable of getting sober and fixing itself.

Lawrence Lessig and Mark McKinnon: How to sober up Washington

Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress—and a Plan to Stop It. Rootstrikers. The Anti-Corruption Pledge. Call on your lawmakers to take the pledge Determining your location.

The Anti-Corruption Pledge

Could not determine your location, try again? An Atlantic Correspondent Speaks Out Against Citizens United - The Editors.