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Classroom networking

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Smith4. Why Teachers Shouldn't Friend Students on Facebook & Social Media Sites. The Importance of Social Media I have nothing against social networking sites. In fact, I believe that they have a very important and positive role to play in schools. They are an ideal platform to educate children on the merits of being responsible digital citizens. They encourage cooperation and communication while providing levels of engagement that are hard to match with other activities. They are also free and this guarantees access for all, regardless of socio-economic backgrounds.

However, some educators are denouncing this bill as anti-social media. It states, "No teacher shall establish, maintain, or use a nonwork-related internet site which allows exclusive access with a current or former student. " So, what about work related sites? As a profession, teaching is now more open and transparent than it ever has been. Blogger: Create your free Blog.

Collaborize Classroom - Online Education Technology for Teachers and Students. Secure Social Learning Network for Teachers and Students. ePals Global Community. Welcome to Skype in the classroom. Share Book Recommendations, Join Book Clubs, Learn more about your Favorite Books and Share Books with Friends.