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À la verticale

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Pyramide. Pyramid of strawberries. Cultures verticales. Britta Riley : un jardin dans mon appartement. The father of vertical farming - How to Turn a Pallet into a Garden. Good news and bad news.

How to Turn a Pallet into a Garden

I had planned to film a short video showing you how to make a pallet garden, but the weather didn’t cooperate. I was stapling the landscape fabric onto the pallet when it started drizzling and got really windy. Vertical Veg – inspiring and supporting food growing in tiny spaces. Les Potagers Verticaux de la Coummunauté des Peits Prophetes. DIY vertical garden. Vertical spaces in small yards or patios need no longer go to waste with the latest repurposing/DIY trend of building a vertical garden.

DIY vertical garden

It’s a great way to further green your living spaces and putting to good use all those pallets past their prime. While there are a number of tutorials out there for building your own, these particular directions courtesy of Steph Lawrence at The Local Spoon are some of the easier we’ve seen and make for a great fall project to ready for spring planting in less temperate climates. Full story at The Local Spoon via Neatorama.