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Programming Languages

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C/C++ Regular Expressions. Python. Haskell. Javascript. Ruby. R. Learn X in Y Minutes: Scenic Programming Language Tours. Programming Languages - Hyperpolyglot. Java Programming Cheatsheet. This appendix summarizes the most commonly-used Java language features in the textbook.

Java Programming Cheatsheet

Here are the APIs of the most common libraries. Hello, World. Editing, compiling, and executing. Interactive: The Top Programming Languages. Designed to allow the creation of programs that can run on different platforms with little or no modification, Java is a popular choice for Web applications.

Interactive: The Top Programming Languages

C is used to write software where speed and flexibility is important, such as in embedded systems or high-performance computing. Essentially a version of C with built-in support for "objects"--self-contained modules of code and data--C++ proved to be a natural fit for software driven by graphical user interfaces. A scripting language that is often used by software developers to add programmability to their applications, such as engineering-analysis tools or animation software. Created by Microsoft for developing software for the .NET framework, which supports many applications running on Windows.